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The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
The topic name is the title of an article that my Science Fiction teacher (a reading elective that requires us to read the great science fiction novels in history such as 1984, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, etc) gave us for homework to read. I encourage you all read it as it is an excellent article to read. Here is the link


  • Though I haven't had the time to read through the article you linked to I noticed while in American High Schools that the system was designed to make students be lazy and to keep them "stupid". They were able to get a degree by doing very to no work at all and also didn't have to take classes that are vital in making an intelligent person.

    A German author once said that the best way to keep the people down is to keep them in constant fear (loosing their job, getting sick, terrorism) and keeping the majority dumb. IMHO America has made this into an Art.
  • Yes. This is very true, and so sad. Much of today's educational is focused on memorization rather than understanding. God forbid we actually think.
  • I'm only glad that I didn't go to a typical High-School...

    I think I would have died.
  • My Philosophy teacher basically said this much last class. He also told us about the time he spent touring around the states smoking pot and playing music while we were on break.
    He's awesome. I've never seen a teacher have such control over a room.
  • Designed by whom? Surely not the masons? This sounds very much like a crackpot conspiracy theory.
  • Designed by whom? Surely not the masons? This sounds very much like a crackpot conspiracy theory.
    I didn't read the article. However, I can tell you that our education system was designed by the Prussians.
  • Designed by whom? Surely not the masons? This sounds very much like a crackpot conspiracy theory.
    One idea I've come across often is that it's not designed by anyone to be the way it is, but simply that society has collectively encouraged it to be the way it is simply in the way we go about living and working.
  • =\ Seems like garbage to me. The education system is variable across the country, and while in places it's great, other places it's not. I came from an area notorious for good public schools, to the point that it drives up the land value like mad and the teachers can't afford anything other than a long commute to work here. Given, they still want to, because it's a rewarding experience. There's an organizational structure and general attitude that has to be built to make a public education system work, but it only works locally- willingness to get the best of the education system has to be something like a community consensus.

    Honestly, I've never had a teacher that told us to memorize anything more than lines from a play, and that was once, for a grade related to public speaking, where memorization is a major factor, rather than reading from a sheet and being distracted from your audience. So what I'm guess I'm saying is that you can't say that public education is designed to fail through all of America when it clearly always doesn't.

    -Overview: Nonsense, sounds like a crazed conspiracy theory made by piecing together the nastiest sounding quotes from old stuff. You can warp the intentions by pulling so many small pieces from different sources.
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