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Job Certs

edited September 2008 in Technology
Recently I've been looking for a decent paying part time job while I'm still attending school. I found it very amusing that in New Jersey you don't need any certifications or experience to be part of the IT department for a public school district. Firedog (circuit city's answer to Geek Squad) however requires you to have AT LEAST one certification in a Technology field, they don't care what just something, and some other experience as a PC technician. Is it just me or does that seem a bit backwards. I could understand Firedog wanting something for a head tech, but for them to have higher standards then a school where every student is given their own laptop is pretty ridiculous.


  • It's because CERTs are BS. The only reason Firedog wants you to have a cert is so that they don't get in trouble for false advertising. They claim that they employ "certified technicians". The school system doesn't have to deal with that, so as long as they hire people that get the job done, they don't care about expensive pieces of paper.
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