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  • 25349! I've less than half way to go in terms of word count. I'm thinking I might actually finish this challenge. Unlike the 100 Pushups... that got real old after failing week 5 for the forth time.
  • Go Luke and Günter, and anyone else that I haven't mentioned who's still in the race!

    I just got back from an all night write-in, and though I'm rather punchy from the lack of sleep, it was a very productive evening. I wrote about 5400 words, which puts my total to 47235.

    Also, it's a little late in the month, but I totally forgot to ask. Did anyone besides me celebrate when their word count crossed the 9000 threshold?
  • Also, it's a little late in the month, but I totally forgot to ask. Did anyone besides me celebrate when their word count crossed the 9000 threshold?
    Did you flex your arms and shout the implied?
  • Also, it's a little late in the month, but I totally forgot to ask. Did anyone besides me celebrate when their word count crossed the 9000 threshold?
    Did you flex your arms and shout the implied?
    *Facepalms while laughing*
  • Also, it's a little late in the month, but I totally forgot to ask. Did anyone besides me celebrate when their word count crossed the 9000 threshold?
    Did you flex your arms and shout the implied?
    Of course I did. What would be the point otherwise?
  • To be honest I've no idea what the 9000 thing is about, where it comes from or why it is funny. So no, I didn't :)
  • To be honest I've no idea what the 9000 thing is about, where it comes from or why it is funny. So no, I didn't :)
    Urban Dictionary
  • To be honest I've no idea what the 9000 thing is about, where it comes from or why it is funny.
    This is where it comes from.


    Also, yes, I did do some yelling once I realized I was above the 9000 mark.
  • No wonder I don't have a clue.
  • Video Sail linked
    I believe you mean this one.
  • I made it to 50K!

    As a reward, I'm taking the hardcover edition of Watchmen that Amazon was mean enough to send on time, throwing it into my closet, padlocking the door, and hiding the key until I reach 100k.
  • Congratulations!

    Yesterday I was really pushed for time so only got a 300 words written. Thankfully I was ahead by 1588 words so I've no catching up to do to still hit 1666 words per day. I should pass 30,000 by tomorrow night.
  • I just hit 30,000 words. Only two fifths of the way to go now!

    Unfortunately all I'm a bit further ahead of where I thought I would be in my planned plot. Which means I can now do two things:
    - continue at the current rate and end up with a completed first draft of about 45,000 words but fail the NaNoWriMo challenge.
    - add another twist before the end that will take 5,000 extra words to resolve.

    Maybe I'll pick the first option, but then go through the novel adding as much to what is already there to push my word count over 50,000 so the novel covers what I wanted but still gets me the little gold star.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to December when I can get my free time back!
  • I just hit 30,000 words. Only two fifths of the way to go now!

    Unfortunately all I'm a bit further ahead of where I thought I would be in my planned plot. Which means I can now do two things:
    - continue at the current rate and end up with a completed first draft of about 45,000 words but fail the NaNoWriMo challenge.
    - add another twist before the end that will take 5,000 extra words to resolve.

    Maybe I'll pick the first option, but then go through the novel adding as much to what is already there to push my word count over 50,000 so the novel covers what I wanted but still gets me the little gold star.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to December when I can get my free time back!
    Why not write a big epilogue? It makes the end of the novel less predictable and epilogues are awesome anyway.
  • Why not write a big epilogue? It makes the end of the novel less predictable and epilogues are awesome anyway.
    Good idea! I don't think there is place for an epilogue, but as time travel is involved I maybe I could write an appendix setting out what happened when and when other things happened that aren't described in the novel.
  • 40,260 bitches! I am back in the race and headed for the finish line!
  • I'm really struggling at the moment. As of last night I was way behind at 37,430. However, I can still make it by churning out 2095 words a day until Sunday.
  • 40,000 is broken! Just a fifth of the way to go. 10,000 words in five/four days really feels possible now. I even have the ending all worked out.
  • I'm over 3,000 words behind yet again, but if Luke can make that comeback then I can too.
  • I've not come back yet. You are still 200 words ahead of me!
  • I've not come back yet. You are still 200 words ahead of me!
    Then I'd better get writing. Wouldn't want you to pass me, would I?
  • 45,000! Today I actually managed to catch up completely, so I need just 1,634 per day until Sunday to win.
  • I'm just short of 48,000 words. Unfortunately what I feared might happen has happened! I've finished the story! This novel idea has been knocking about in my head for years and now I've finally managed to get every idea onto the page. That is the good thing, but now I need an extra 2000 words. Tomorrow I plan to read through and add another two short chapters to flesh out the protagonist's character a bit more, and maybe show his main relationship develop into the thing that later has such an impact on his life.

    But it feels like now I'll just be writing these 2000 words just to get a little purple star by my name. I've written the damn novel, it was just a bit short as required by some dumb website. Ah well.

    Either way, I'm stoked!
  • I'm past 48,000, and the story is set to finish just around the 50,000 mark. Hooray! ^________^
  • As of about five minutes ago, I have finished my novel of 50,059 words. Pardon my french, but FUCK YEAH! I WROTE A NOVEL! I'M DONE, BITCHES!
  • Woooo! YEAH GUNTER!
    Congrats man!
  • 50,033 word! FUCK YEAH! I WROTE A (very rough first draft of a) NOVEL! I'M DONE, BITCHES!


    Tomorrow I get to read the novel back for the first time and weep at how much time I'll need to spend editing. The good thing is there's no deadline for that. I can have my life back now! I can read novels instead of trying to write them. My girlfriend is no longer a NaNoWriMo widow. I can put out podcasts again to stop people emailing me. I can concentrate on learning German again.

    My NaNoWriMo info page.

    Congrats, Günter! I just used the name Günter for a minor character as a tribute to you for the mini competition we had that kept me pushing on. Congratulations also to Misakyra, good job on winning even if you didn't hit your goal of 100,000 words.

    Thanks to Eryn for suggesting the challenge and for recommending Jers Novel Writer. I'm certainly going to send Jer some cash as the program has been amazing.

    So, anyone up for trying next year?

    My final word count tracking spreadsheet:

    Day: Date: Target: Behind: Catching up: Sessions: Today: Running total:
    Sat 1 1666 -242 -305 1908 1908 1908
    Sun 2 3332 -310 -135 1734 1734 3642
    Mon 3 4998 1356 1656 0 0 3642
    Tue 4 6664 3022 1717 0 0 3642
    Wed 5 8330 4688 1783 0 0 3642
    Thu 6 9996 4636 68 1718 1718 5360
    Fri 7 11662 6302 1860 0 0 5360
    Sat 8 13328 6537 448 1431 1431 6791
    Sun 9 14994 5095 -1285 1292 1816 3108 9899
    Mon 10 16660 4236 -736 1380 1145 2525 12424
    Tue 11 18326 1641 -2595 1014 1768 1479 4261 16685
    Wed 12 19992 1100 -570 2207 2207 18892
    Thu 13 21658 -1151 -2406 1643 2274 3917 22809
    Fri 14 23324 -2025 -1090 1179 1361 2540 25349
    Sat 15 24990 -1588 235 1229 1229 26578
    Sun 16 26656 -241 1221 319 319 26897
    Mon 17 28322 -1054 -1006 2479 2479 29376
    Tue 18 29988 -33 892 320 325 645 30021
    Wed 19 31654 1421 1435 212 212 30233
    Thu 20 33320 677 -832 1713 697 2410 32643
    Fri 21 34986 2330 1721 13 13 32656
    Sat 22 36652 3996 1927 0 0 32656
    Sun 23 38318 2384 -1520 885 1591 802 3278 35934
    Mon 24 39984 2554 300 1496 1496 37430
    Tue 25 41650 2724 350 1496 1496 38926
    Wed 26 43316 2282 -315 1102 1006 2108 41034
    Thu 27 44982 -117 -2840 1279 832 1954 4065 45099
    Fri 28 46648 627 404 922 922 46021
    Sat 29 48314 415 -828 1878 1878 47899
    Sun 30 50000 -17 -2135 2118 2118 50017

    Day and date are obvious. "Target" is where I should be if I did exactly 1666 words per day. "Behind" is how many words I still need to write that day, so negative numbers means I am ahead. "Catching Up" is the remaining words I need to win divided by the days I have left (or something) so a minus number means I was catching up to the target and a positive number means I was falling further behind. Confusing, but in both minus numbers are good, ok? "Sessions" are the writing sessions each day, "Today" is the total word count and "running total" is obvious. Sorry about the formatting.
  • *crushes dreams* Congratulations with writing you first novella Günter and Luke.
  • A major accomplishment indeed! Now you have to finalize it.
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