Guttersnipe takes the cake and intrinsic is a close second. Cumguzzling and gatorslut are fun too but I made them up to describe my boss on performance reviews.
Salacious, fortuitous, superfluous, precocious, egregious, extraneous. It seems I like words that end in "ous". Obfuscate is also a fun word, but I think Jason has won the tread with "defenestrate".
I love words that are subtlety onomatopoeic or their sound suggests the meaning or evokes a sensation of the subject like "liquid", "strata", "diaphanous", and "snippet".
I like reiterate because it's redundant, also loquacious, excoriated, and redundant.
Also, "existential"
EDIT: Oh yes, defenestrate. I forgot what it meant, but I add my vote to it too.
F is for fire burning the whole town!
U is for uranium...... bombs
N is for no survivors!
But, my favourite word would have to be "ensorcelled." It's quite useful. Also, defenestrate is a word I use frequently in threats.