Has anyone ever tried to hack an Ipod?
I just purchased a new Ipod, the 120 gig Classic, because my current Ipod's hard drive is dying ever so slowly. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried messing with the remains of an Ipod. Any idea's you can give me and such. I'd love to do something cool with it and not just throw it out because of a busted HD.
Remember kids, the major disadvantage of open source software is that it never comes with a warranty or guarantee. On a PC that is usually AOK because you can just reformat and do whatever you want. However, on an embedded device, especially a closed device like an iPod, the risk of trouble is much greater. If you screw up, you've got nothing. Heck, even on the PC sometimes you can be screwed. There was a recent incident where a bad module in the Linux kernel was destroying some network cards. Granted, those network cards were poorly designed, but still.
I'm not trying to scare people away from open source, or hacking their stuff. I encourage. I just want to make sure people don't go taking unnecessary risks, and ending up with bricked devices they can't fix.