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Great lines in video games

edited October 2008 in Video Games
What are some of the most memorable lines you've seen in video games?
Personally, I'm a big fan of "It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue" (Zork) and "Watch out! Bad things can happen on Friday the 13th!" (NetHack)


  • "Excuse me. Do you know where I could find some sailors?" (Shenmue)
  • Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine.
  • Seriously, when ever a radio goes bad...
    "Radio... what's going on with that radio" ( silent hill)
  • "What is it Jill?"
    "It's a monster!"
    I really miss the old Resident Evil voice actors
  • "Balls of steel."
  • "Son of a submariner!"
  • "Is that a dirty magazine..."
    "Can I look?"
    (Your and your team mate's condition has decreased)

    That's from ISS 2000. Best football game ever.
  • "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum." (Duke Nukem)

    Yes, I realize that quote is really from the 1988 film They Live, but I think it's more well-known from Duke Nukem.
  • "Nothing is pointless! And the reason is—because I am the President of the great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"
  • "Are you bad enough to save the president of the united states"
  • "Sorry, but our princess is in another castle" is the one everyone knows

    But the best line I ever heard was in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty when the Colonel was talking to Raiden.

    "I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-kari rock. I need scissors! 61!"
  • edited October 2008
    "all your base are belong to us"


    (Its a classic, even though its a horrible line.)
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • "Jill, here's a lockpick.It might be handy if you the, Master of Unlocking, could take it with you."
  • edited October 2008
    "Excuse me. Do you know where I could find some sailors?" (Shenmue)
    Aww, I was gonna say that. Fine then.
    "I am Error." - Error
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • "You spoony bard!"
  • "Are you bad enough to save the president of the united states"
    I believe you are thinking of: "The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to save him?"

    Speaking of ninjas: "Hey, you're that ninja!"
  • "Are you bad enough to save the president of the united states"
    I believe you are thinking of: "The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to save him?"
  • "The bad news is that we're going to have to remove your brain and place it in an armored tank to shoot down innocent civilians with its psychic death beam. The good news is that your insurance is gonna cover the whole thing." -Psychonauts
  • Attention big, mean, hostile alien vessel hovering overhead in an obvious attack posture:

    This is Spathi Captain Fwiffo.
    I know you are going to torture me, so let's just get this over with right now.
    The coordinates of my homeworld, Spathiwa, are 241.6 : 368.7...
    ...and the ultra-secret Spathi Cypher, which is known only by me and several billion other Spathi... 'Huffi-Muffi-Guffi'.
  • "The Wild Bunny, by Sander Cohen. I want to take the ears off, but I can't. I hop, and when I hop, I never get off the ground. It's my curse, my eternal curse. I want to take the ears off, but I can't! It's my curse, it's my fucking curse! I want to take the ears off! PLEASE! TAKE THEM OFF! PLEEEEASE! "

    Bioshock was a good game, but the Sander Cohen level was fucking awesome.
  • "The truck have started to move" -metal gear
    "Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hoola hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it!" -Halo
  • There will be unforeseen consequences. - HL2: Episode 2

    We've got hostiles! - Half-Life

    You fight like a cow! - Monkey Island
  • One of the best lines from portal, not counting the graffiti.
    "Well, you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Because despite your violent behavior, all you have managed to break so far, is my heart. Why don't we just leave it at that and call it a day?"
  • Despite your personal impressions, the weighted companion cube can not talk. Should it talk, we strongly urge you to disregard it's advice.
    You will be baked and then there will be cake.
    This next test is impossible. - GLaDOS of Portal

    Where are you?
    I can see you. - Portal sentry gun
    I don't hate you - Portal sentry gun last words.
  • MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventure 2.
  • "Raiden, what's your status?"

    "Colonel? I've got Emma Emmerich here... We've managed to avoid drowning!"

    'Good job!"

    -Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
  • MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventure 2.
    That reminded me of "Help me, MARINAAAAAAAAAA" ( Mischief Makers)
  • MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventure 2.
    I cried at the end of that game.
  • MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventure 2.
    I cried at the end of that game.
    Yeah, me too.
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