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OS-tans VN : Official Thread



  • It get's kinda tricky with the OS X tans. Mainly because, not only is there an os tan for every major version, but an OS-tan representing all of OS X.
  • Yeah. I just think tiger is cute, though.
  • edited October 2008
    Yeah, she is, but it brings up the whole "One is the whole yet some are part of one" thing. It's a mind bender...
    Maybe sticking with tiger is better after all...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited October 2008
    The 'OS bloat' is not really as bad as you're making it out to be for the Mac. On my Mac, for basic stuff, my RAM rarely hits 20% across 2 Gb. Unlike my XP Windows box, in which just sitting there and doing nothing takes up about 80% across 1 Gb.
    Exactly. That's why XP-tan has large breasts and Leopard/Tiger-tan does not.
    Post edited by Tyashki on
  • This sounds awesome. I will help in any way I can (thinking up comic situations, good traits, etc)!
  • I might be able to help with reference photos and ideas.
  • edited October 2008
    Exactly. That's why XP-tan has large breasts and Leopard/Tiger-tan does not.
    I think that it's only in XP's case that breast size matters or Vista would be falling over constantly and Mac/Linux would be all flat chested in comparison.
    Also, I think Arch Linux and BeOS should be unlockable, as should ME.
    comic situations
    XP accidentally eats a Norton disc.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2008
    A lot of good suggestions already, and the fake command line is great.
    I personally would make each one an image file of some kind, ending in either .img or .gho (possibly opening the way for Norton or one of the other AV suites as a support character).

    For XP, one of the main things about her is that while she has quite a bit of function, much of it is overshadowed by form. That is to say, because her GUI is so smooth and good-looking, that people oftentimes forget that she's based off of NT (much like 2k) than the older MS-DOS/9x architecture (DOS kitty for 98?).

    I take it we're going for 98, rather than 98 SE-tan here. Imouto here, with a dash of insecurity (98 was superseded by SE after a year, which fixed a number of flaws found in the original).

    Linux should be a little bit of an outcast from both Windows and Mac, but the one they turn to when something obscure and arcane needs to be done (occult fangirl?).

    Also, if we're using Ubuntu as the Linux distro, we should probably take into consideration which release. Currently there isn't much consensus on the individual distros as far as I've seen (except for Linux as a whole, Fedora, Linspire, and possibly Slackware and BSD), so we have some wiggle-room here. In the character design for Ubuntu-tan, we can either incorporate the release animal and descriptive adjective ( Breezy Badger, Dapper Drake, Hardy Heron) into the character herself, or as a companion/assistant animal.
    There should also be a scene involving machine code.

    And on second thought, 98-tan should stick with just Vulcan.
    Post edited by Katsu on
  • edited October 2008
    On the Linux end:
    The Ubuntu sisters (Ubuntu, Kubuntu [twins?] and Xubuntu [younger/smaller/shorter?] ) and mother/older sister Debian [note: most of these are background characters]. Traits: Try to impress people and be friendly but will often come up with convoluted solutions to a problem (said solutions do work though).
    Arch: Highly technical and efficient. Makes all clothes by hand (when you first install arch you don't get given a GUI and have to install it yourself). Has trouble getting on with others.

    I would say Mac and Linux don't get along too well but both look down on Windows.

    Scene: XP learns how to switch desktops.
    --Scene start--
    *Mac walks in*
    XP: Hey Mac! Look at this!
    *Mac walks over* *Ubu walks in*
    *Theatrically, XP flips the top of the desktop over to a clear desktop on the other side*
    Mac: "What? Is that it? That's so last year."
    Ubu: "Oh, I remember when mum [mom] taught me that in in junior [middle] school."
    *Ubu picks up the desk and spins it on one finger*
    *XP: Confused* *Mac: Looking daggers at Ubu*
    --Scene end--
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2008
    I personally would make each one an image file of some kind, ending in either .img or .gho (possibly opening the way for Norton or one of the other AV suites as a support character).
    Are we going with the lecherous old man norton or the sexy babe norton? I personally would choose the old man Norton. He runs off a disc and when he asks to "install" on an OS-tan, gets beat down.

    Scene: XP learns how to switch desktops.
    --Scene start--
    *Mac walks in*
    XP: Hey Mac! Look at this!
    *Mac walks over* *Ubu walks in*
    *Theatrically, XP flips the top of the desktop over to a clear desktop on the other side*
    Mac: "What? Is that it? That's so last year."
    Ubu: "Oh, I remember when mum [mom] taught me that in in junior [middle] school."
    *Ubu picks up the desk and spins it on one finger*
    *XP: Confused* *Mac: Looking daggers at Ubu*
    --Scene end--

    Scene Start: Mac, XP, and Ubuntu are walking down the street carrying the shopping.
    A handsome, young, business man passes and says hello to XP-tan, fails to acknowledge the other two.
    XP: Its good to have 90% market share.
    A handsome musician passes and says Hi to Mac-tan.
    Mac: I have the upper 10%. *glaring eyes from XP, Ubu-tan looks depressed*
    A voice from off screen calls out to Ubu-tan. Her face lights up and she turns around.
    It's a geek with a neckbeard. Vertical lines over a blue to dark blue gradient appear on Ubu-tans face.
    Scene End
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • *XP knocks on 2k's door*
    *Ubuntu answers, completely naked*
    XP: "Are you guys.. dual booting?"
    SFX:"Ba bum tssh"
  • I don't get it.
  • edited October 2008
    It's a crude joke. Ubuntu and 2k go well together.
    Sorry, bad joke. I'm under the influence of both a good night's sleep and too much caffeine.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Are we going with the lecherous old man norton or the sexy babe norton? I personally would choose the old man Norton. He runs off a disc and when he asks to "install" on an OS-tan, gets beat down.
    Definitely old Dr. Norton. But he might change out of his doctor's coat for other functions like imaging and Norton Utilities type of work (or maybe Dr. Norton's far less creepy brother?
  • Slackware-tan: Wears J!nx tees, has ops in 3 IRC channels, can beat your ASS in CS:S, and is a damn good kisser. However, she stays up way too late and is sometimes disagreeable.
  • Are we going with the lecherous old man norton or the sexy babe norton? I personally would choose the old man Norton. He runs off a disc and when he asks to "install" on an OS-tan, gets beat down.
    Definitely old Dr. Norton. But he might change out of his doctor's coat for other functions like imaging and Norton Utilities type of work (or maybe Dr. Norton's far less creepy brother?
    Maybe to change from one function to another, he just spins around and his outfit changes. You know, a Norton 360.
  • /looks at all his computers, notices he has every OS Gomidog identifies and most are running now.

    This Anime concept seems rather close to home to me.
  • Do you have a use for each computer or do you just like having every OS on hand?
  • Do you have a use for each computer or do you just like having every OS on hand?
    It's really more for the hardware. Computers have to run something and I love to build computers. In fact, I'm a little squirrely right now b/c I'm waiting to buy more parts to do a new build. It's a barely in control hobby.
  • It's really more for the hardware. Computers have to run something and I love to build computers. In fact, I'm a little squirrely right now b/c I'm waiting to buy more parts to do a new build. It's a barely in control hobby.
    Thaed have you ever tried to do any of the really small comptuers? I'm not talking about Micro-ATI, I'm talking about mini ITX. Why not try to make a router with a soekris board or something? You'll have all the hardware fun, perhaps moreso, but you won't just be upgrading existing stuff wastefully.
  • Ooooohh Yeeeeeesssss!!!!
  • edited October 2008
    Yeah, micro computers are nice. I'm gonna be building one as an onboard computer for my electric go-kart (once thats built -_-J). Touchscreen on the steering wheel, GPS navigation, Wifi, bluetooth, rear view camera, VOIP, maybe even evdo! It's gonna be running off of either a Pico ITX with usb wifi and this, or a nano-ITX with the cf card and mini pci wifi built in.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Opening Scene: User's apartment\Bedroom
    Toshiaki dreaming: Oh, if only I had a magical OS girlfriend...
    *sound of alarm clock
    Toshiaki: Urgh...
    ?woman's voice: It's time to get up, Toshiaki-san.
    Toshiaki: *startled* Wha?!
    2k:*stern voice* It's already 7:43AM, Toshiaki-san. You need to stop wasting time and get to class!
  • edited October 2008
    Toshiaki: Gah! A strange woman dressed like a micro...soft...O..S..?...YAtta! My dreams have been granted! What a convenient plot device!
    2k-tan: *stern voice* Now's not the time to be thinking about Deus-ex machinas. Your outlook calendar states that it's time for your first class! Get dressed so I may dismiss it!
    Toshiaki gets up and starts walking, but trips over me-tan.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • No Katsu! Dame yo! I already said how the intro is gonna go down.
    ...Let's not name him Toshiaki.
  • No Katsu! Dame yo! I already said how the intro is gonna go down.
    ...Let's not name him Toshiaki.
    Actually, this was an idea for the next day, assuming that the main character got knocked out when the program ran.
  • Actually, this was an idea for the next day, assuming that the main character got knocked out when the program ran.
    Even if he didn't get knocked out that would still probably work.

    But yea, let's not name him Toshiaki.
  • Man, I looked at some of the free flash dating sims. They all suck! Very bad.

    We can write, draw, and program better, yo.
  • Has anyone thought of the legal issues involved yet?
  • Yes, we are talking about that. Basically Os-tans shouldn't be a problem. We are essentially making a doujin-game, and doujinshi of the OS-tans are encouraged by their fan community. In some cases, there are documented cases of a specific user being responsible for creating the original design, but when you look at it, the whole meme basically started as a forum thread on Nijiura. The OS-tans, rather than having a one singular creator, are a mash-up of the work of different artists on the internet. We are taking this public concept and doing our own doujin, something that is by no means uncommon. I'm not concerned.
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