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Cedar Point

edited October 2008 in Everything Else
I would like to preface this by saying that I am a new member- If for any reason this post needs changing or moving, that's all cool, just give me a shout. I searched a bit for a thread regarding Cedar Point and all its (as far as I know) shining awesomeness, But the only one I found hadn't been posted in since 2007, so I figured best to leave it be.

Anyway, My band and I are going to Ypsilanti Michigan for the Band of America competition on Saturday, and on Sunday before we head back home we're gonna spend some time at Cedar Point in Ohio. It has been mentioned on the podcast that Rym and Scott (any presumably, some of the other members here) are great fans of this amusement park, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice or commentary.

Appreciated knowledge:

- What coasters suck
- What coasters are the kickassiest
- How can I best organize my time (for Disney last year was a clusterfuck)

Thanks a ton, guys.


  • Regarding old threads:
    Single megalithic threads for common topics is far better than countless tiny threads for common topics. Think of each thread as an ongoing conversation. A lot of new people are here, and they all have things to say regarding topics that we'd already opened... I'll make the official statement that, unless WiP and Mr. Period both disagree, thread necromancy is perfectly ok.
  • -The Wicked Twister
    A good "warm up" ride. It's not as huge as some of the others, but it's pretty exciting all the same.

    -The Iron Dragon
    One of the better small coasters, I even found it relaxing the second time through.

    -The Top Thrill Dragster
    Might be worth it if the line isn't too long, but in my opinion 2 hours of waiting in line isn't worth 150 seconds of coaster.

    -The Gemini and the Magnum
    A little too jerky for my taste, but they're good all the same.

    -The Millennium Force
    My favorite ride in the park. It's incredibly smooth, exciting, and totally worth the wait.

    -The Mantis, The Raptor, and The Maverick
    I heard great things about all three, but unfortunately I didn't get the chance to ride them.

    As for the rest, they were either broken or didn't seem worth riding. I hope that helped.
  • edited October 2008
    I love Cedar Point. I live about an hour and a half away, so I usually end up going at least once a year. I only started going there in the summer after 8th grade, though.
    First off, know that peoples' opinions about the coasters at CP tend to vary a take my opinions and anyone else's opinions with a grain of salt.

    Here are my opinions on the coasters I've actually been on:
    Blue Streak- not bad considering you can usually just walk right on. It's a very skippable ride, though...considering there are MUCH better rides and that it's in a horrible spot in the park.
    Corkscrew- You should be able to get on with minimal (if any) wait. Go on it.
    Disaster Transport- Not worth all.
    Gemini- Great ride. The newer coasters overshadow it a lot, but it's still great.
    Iron Dragon- small ride...probably not worth your time.
    Magnum- Great ride. Highly recommended. A little jerky...but still. You can easily ride this multiple times in one day, too. The line for it has gotten a lot shorter.
    Mantis- Only go on if it's a short line. I've seen this thing with a 2+ hour line and let me tell you- it's not worth waiting more than 30-45 minutes for...Some may disagree with me, though.
    Maverick- AWESOME. The line might be like 2+ hours long. Just wait. It's a great ride. Don't wait 3+ hours, though...not sure if the line ever gets that long, though.
    Mean Streak- Shit. It has no line usually, but there's better things you can do with your time.
    Millenium Force- My favorite ride. Definitely go on it. It'll probably have a monster line. Though with the new coasters coming out and whatnot, the lines for this have been getting smaller each year.
    Top Thrill Dragster- Definitely try to get on it. The line will probably be a bitch, though.
    Raptor- Get on if you can. As with Mantis, don't wait more than 30-45 minutes for it. It's good, but it's not THAT good.

    How to organize your time...depends (will you be there the entire time it's open? When it opens? Staying till close?). If you get there right when it opens, sprint to either Millenium Force, Dragster, or Maverick. Otherwise if you get there even like 30 minutes after it opens, the lines for those 3 will be fucking long and you'd be better off going on other rides.
    Also, if you stay till late, some of the lines really die down. I remember once me and my friend rode Magnum 8 times in a row since there was no line at all. Millenium Force's line will probably die down later in the day. I went to CP in May with my physics class and the line for Force was down to an hour at some parts of the day, which is fucking worth it.
    But basically, ride on Force, Dragster, and Maverick first....or at least get to all 3 at some point in the day. After that ride whatever else you want to ride. Then time permitting, try to double up on Force. You probably won't have time to double up on Dragster or Maverick. Also, Magnum is worth riding more than once.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Getting on a rollercoaster is like volunteering for a punch in the stomach. That said, I live 30 minutes from Cedar Point and it's my wife's favorite place on the planet. I ride the Iron Dragon and the Gemini with her and somehow manage not to puke.

    Also, $9 for a hamburger and fries? What the fuck is that? Stupid Cedar Point.
  • Getting on a rollercoaster is like volunteering for a punch in the stomach.
    I agree. I really don't find rollercoasters fun at all.
  • edited October 2008
    I personally enjoy being jostled around at high speeds that may induce motion sickness, but its easy to understand why someone wouldn't want to ride coasters. The exception to that rule is if you're actually in a coaster park. Nobody wants to hear you bitch about how you'd rather be doing something else when you're there. I remember traumatizing one of my friends on the teacups at Disney because of all of her anti-rides stuff.

    Thanks for all the info. I'll be sure to check out the rides that were recommended. I'm there from 9 AM to 6 PM, because also on the itinerary for that day are checking out of the hotel room and a seven hour drive home.

    $9?! Shit, they're only giving us 20 for lunch and dinner. I might have to bring some of my bus food.
    Post edited by Wings on
  • Ride every rollercoaster from the smallest to the biggest. If you ride the big one first, the small ones won't be fun.

    To organize your time, you have to hoof it. Get in the park as soon as it opens at the front of the line. Literally run from coaster to coaster. Don't do anything other than waiting in line and riding rides. Also, Rym says there are separate lines to wait in to sit in the front seat. That's worth it.
  • I'll post here this evening. I was known, to just about everyone in my high school, as "The God of Cedar Point." I spent much of my childhood there. I know the history (at least up until 2001, which was the last time I was ever there). I know the tricks (at least, the ones that haven't changed).

    Heh.. We could do this as the show tonight. How to Not Suck at Amusement Parks.
  • I was known, to just about everyone in my high school, as "The God of Cedar Point."
    This is what I am know as, except with Walt Disney World instead of Cedar Point.
  • Iron Dragon doesn't have the height, which is good for people like me who will toss cookies on the super-high roller coasters. It is, however, the slightly jolty, side-to-side awesomeness.
  • edited October 2008
    I'll post here this evening. I was known, to just about everyone in my high school, as "The God of Cedar Point." I spent much of my childhood there. I know the history (at least up until 2001, which was the last time I was ever there). I know the tricks (at least, the ones that haven't changed).

    Heh.. We could do this as the show tonight. How to Not Suck at Amusement Parks.
    I seem to remember you talking about this alot.
    Line cutting, planning out your day of roller coaster rides, even why amusement parks make you pay to get in, and many more topics have already been covered, I believe.
    I donno what more you can talk about... but I guess you can put them all in the same show.
    Post edited by Mosquitoboy on

  • Heh.. We could do this as the show tonight. How to Not Suck at Amusement Parks.
    If you do, I'll definitely need to bring it with me, pass it around my friends so that they aren't idiots while were there. Like I said, Disney was a clusterfuck. I hardly felt fulfilled at all afterwards, which is shitty; I mean, its Disney for gods sake. >>

    And you have talked a lot about it before- one of the reasons I'm so looking forward to cedar point. On the one hand, you'd be repeating yourself a lot, but on the other hand, It sounds like a quick and easy show to me.

    I'm looking forward to The God of Cedar Point's post. ^^
  • Also, $9 for a hamburger and fries? What the fuck is that? Stupid Cedar Point.
    Oh right, that's another thing. Either get girls to bring large purses and stuff them with food or just get a cooler, leave it in your car, and head out there for lunch sometime during the day. Or you could just not eat from 9am-6pm and maybe bring a few granola bars and stuff them in your pockets.
    Really, the food prices and the lines you have to wait in to even get your food aren't worth it.
    If you ride the big one first, the small ones won't be fun.
    Not really. Maverick and Millennium Force are smaller than the Dragster but they are both more fun than the Dragster. If you are very new to coasters, this advice might be good. Otherwise saving the big coasters for last will just result in you waiting in longer lines.
  • According to the Associated Press, Cedar Point is renaming the Maverick. The new name: The John McCain Experience.
  • Hey everybody! It's 1 in the morning and I just got back from Cedar Point!

    First, I would like to say that the atmosphere of that place is just kick ass and awesome, and I'd go again in a hurry. I'd also like to say that trying to go to an amusement park in a large group EVER means not getting the full bang for your buck. It's just impossible to do everything you want to do when you have to hand around with other people (who are wusses and wont allow me to drag them onto coasters).

    First stop, straight to the Dragster. Not a bit nervous until after an hour and 15 I came to the front of the line and I remembered that I was going on a roller coaster. It was very disconcerting when we had to watch the train in front of us go up the hill in five seconds. Oh my Jesus. Then we were shot up, and for the first five seconds I thought I was going to die. After we got most of the way up the hill, however, that feeling settled down into something of pure awesome. Great ride.

    The other coaster I went on was the Millennium Force- We had two hours left in the park, and I needed more than one coaster in my system, so I called up one of the band moms and went on with her. It was a pretty okay coaster. I screamed myself hoarse. Awesome, but nothing amazing.

    Other than that I rode some of the smaller rides, talked to a gypsy and went on the Ferris wheel. I also played some mad DDR, and by my sixth song I was out of it. What you you get though, when you play on standard?

    All in all, not the worst trip. I didn't get to do everything I wanted, but it was a laid back day of awesome. All's well that ends well, eh?
  • I'd also like to say that trying to go to an amusement park in a large group EVER means not getting the full bang for your buck. It's just impossible to do everything you want to do when you have to hand around with other people (who are wusses and wont allow me to drag them onto coasters).
    Why would someone go to an amusement park if they didn't like riding roller coasters? Seriously. Also, this issue can be avoided by making an itinerary with people beforehand and allowing people to split up and meet back at specific times to eat, go on certain rides everyone wants to go on together, etc. If someone doesn't want to ride, they can go and do something else for a bit and meet up after.
  • Why would someone go to an amusement park if they didn't like riding roller coasters? Seriously. Also, this issue can be avoided by making an itinerary with people beforehand and allowing people to split up and meet back at specific times to eat, go on certain rides everyone wants to go on together, etc. If someone doesn't want to ride, they can go and do something else for a bit and meet up after.
    Well, keep in mind that not only was it on a band trip, but it was on our way home- We had no hotel to stay at if we didn't want to go. Not to mention, amusement parks have stuff other than coasters for the people who don't like them. Originally my plan was to stick with my friend Monica, and ride everything, but after we hit the Dragster we had a food disagreement so I left with someone else, and we didn't meet up until after we left. It was generally a mistake on my part, but they only rode two more coasters than I did, and I spent some time with my other friends too, so it was cool.

    Another friend of mine who wasn't on the trip said that it might be in the works for her and I to go again in the summer and ride everything. I called her from the top of the Ferris wheel and asked her if she wanted to ride the suspended coaster right near it (I'm not sure what it was called- it was yellow and blue and had two twisting towers, and looked REALLY fun), and she told me she would love to, even though she was two states away ^^.

    If we do go in the summer, I'll be sure to make a more stable plan. For this trip I wasn't planning much- just to ride some coasters and have fun.

    Also, just as a side note, the food situation was kind of bad. I ended up just sharing an order of fries with a friend, and that was more than enough to keep us full for a few hours. as expensive as they are, CP french fries are the business. Very filling and very potatoey. Could have used more salt, but whatever. One thing I found a bit irking about CP's concession food was that the stands didn't sell any bottled beverages. if you wanted a drink that you could shove in a bag or drink at long intervals, you had to find a vending machine, and they were expensive and not very easy to locate.

    Does anyone know if the hibachi place there is any good? I didn't go because it looked like a sit down meal and I didn't have the time, but do I love me some hibachi. <3
  • Getting on a rollercoaster is like volunteering for a punch in the stomach. That said, I live 30 minutes from Cedar Point and it's my wife's favorite place on the planet. I ride the Iron Dragon and the Gemini with her and somehow manage not to puke.

    Also, $9 for a hamburger and fries? What the fuck is that? Stupid Cedar Point.
    Not as good food but that McDonalds right before the bridge to the park is a money saver. :)

    The hot potato is also a good place for fires.
  • Why would someone go to an amusement park if they didn't like riding roller coasters? Seriously. Also, this issue can be avoided by making an itinerary with people beforehand and allowing people to split up and meet back at specific times to eat, go on certain rides everyone wants to go on together, etc. If someone doesn't want to ride, they can go and do something else for a bit and meet up after.
    Ummm... I go to amusement parks and I don't particularly like roller coasters. (if fact the last time I went to one was the first time I was on a non-wooden rollar coaster ever!
  • Why would someone go to an amusement park if they didn't like riding roller coasters? Seriously. Also, this issue can be avoided by making an itinerary with people beforehand and allowing people to split up and meet back at specific times to eat, go on certain rides everyone wants to go on together, etc. If someone doesn't want to ride, they can go and do something else for a bit and meet up after.
    Ummm... I go to amusement parks and I don't particularly like roller coasters. (if fact the last time I went to one was the first time I was on a non-wooden rollar coaster ever!
    Wooden roller coasters = awesome.

    I'm generally not much of a coaster fan, particularly ones that go upside-down; fortunately, good amusement parks offer more than just roller coasters.
  • edited October 2008
    Not as good food but that McDonalds right before the bridge to the park is a money saver. :)
    If you're outside the park, go to Famous Dave's and get an ass-load of ribs.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited October 2008
    I'd also like to say that trying to go to an amusement park in a large group EVER means not getting the full bang for your buck.
    Depends on how big the group is. If it's big enough that the large group ends up splitting up into a few groups to go on certain rides, then meets up at lunch and before you leave, then it's fine.

    And how long were you there? Only riding the Dragster and Force?...shit. That's usually a loss in my book. I never go on any of the non-coasters there anymore, if I can avoid it. MaXair is an exception, though...but I'd still take the coasters over it.
    Post edited by Dkong on

  • And how long were you there? Only riding the Dragster and Force?...shit. That's usually a loss in my book. I never go on any of the non-coasters there anymore, if I can avoid it. MaXair is an exception, though...but I'd still take the coasters over it.
    5 hours- 11-4. If you figure the midday lines for the two coasters, food, and all the other things I did with non-coaster friends, that's a full day. I also spent like, half an hour playing DDR. Woot!
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