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Destination advice thread.

edited October 2008 in Everything Else
It seems there are many people from all over the world on this forum, and in other threads we talk about places we are going and places we've visited, so I thought I'd make a special thread for asking for travel advice. I travel a lot with work and I've been to lots of places, so I'll be using this thread to ask questions and give advice.

So, make a post saying:
Where you are visiting.
How long you will be there (a week or just a day).
What time of year.
If you like spending money doing touristy things or if you like saving money by doing free stuff.
Anything else relevant.

Then people who live there or who have visited can say what to do and, just as importantly, what to avoid so not to waste your time.


  • So, to kick it off...

    I'm going to be in Lisbon this coming Sunday and Monday. What is best to do on a Sunday, as I have limited time on Monday? I've looked at wikitravel, etc, but what is unmissable and what is just "meh"? I've heard just riding the metro and looking at the stations is worth while. Spending money is good, but only with strong recommendations.

    Any takers?
  • Wow, this is really working well.

    Anyone live in Miami? I'll be there for a day next Monday. Any must see location I can do in a few hours?
  • Triple post = teh wins.

    Good sir, you will succeed at life.
  • Anyone live in Miami? I'll be there for a day next Monday. Any must see location I can do in a few hours?
    Miami is pretty bad. I guess go to the beach?
  • Anyone live in Miami? I'll be there for a day next Monday. Any must see location I can do in a few hours?
    Miami is pretty bad. I guess go to the beach?
    Why is Miami bad? Have you ever been there for any extended period of time or explored the city? My sister lived there and loved it. They have a thriving night life, lots of cuban food and cultural events, museums, great shopping, bands, theatre, etc.
  • Wow, I just put my own city into Wikitravel and learned more about it than I knew. But I was glad to see some stuff that I did know already in there. Like having to look in the corners to find really good food places and such. It's an important tip that I live by.
    I'm not looking to travel (besides Thanksgiving to my Aunt's) for at least 6-7 months. I am very likely to return to Toronto next year to attend Anime North again. My friends up there were able to get me into the Hockey Hall of fame for free. Seeing the Stanley cup up close was pretty cool. I will have to bookmark wikitravel and check it before I head out, since I hope to spend more time up there away from the actual convention.
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