har har. I wouldn't be asking here if I could get a straight answer from Google. A lot of people are having problems with it while some people aren't.
Well, just update to the newest drivers, and see if it works.
If not, just get a new card. They're super cheap. You don't need to get a super high-end card. I was playing Source engine games on an NVIDIA FX5900 just fine. You can get 7000 series cards for stupid cheap these days.
Get the second card. The first card is way too old, and won't give you the full frame rate. The second one is a steal and will play any PC game ever just fine.
If not, just get a new card. They're super cheap. You don't need to get a super high-end card. I was playing Source engine games on an NVIDIA FX5900 just fine. You can get 7000 series cards for stupid cheap these days.
Get this if you want a really good card that can play almost any game, you'll spend 30 dollars more, but its worth it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500019