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edited October 2008 in Everything Else
Mezzacotta is going online in half an hour.

In short:
We’re not revealing anything about this web site until the launch date.

This web site and the idea behind are for sale for €2000000 (two million euro) before the launch date. After the launch date, when the idea is public, the sale price will be €5000000 (five million euro).
It's from the guys at Irregular Webcomic and Darths & Droids.

What do you think?


  • On the about page it says "If you have money to burn". This doesn't sound like a they will make you anything.
  • Well I've looked through it, but what is it?
  • Well I've looked through it, but what is it?
    You don't know, that's the point!
  • My first impression after the unveiling was "this is half-baked". STS, I was right.
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