What do you do daily on the internet? My schedule comprises of:
1. Check
digg for anything awesome (not likely).
2. Go to the
Fun-Motion forums to find new physics games, engines, and demonstration.
3. Go to this forum and read most topics.
4. Go to
Rock Paper Shotgun for some gaming news.
5. Check on t
he puppy cam! They'll be gone soon though.
I'm trying to incorporate these websites into my daily routine because I always seem to forget about them since I'm too lazy to bookmark:
FarkJayisgamesSlashdotWhat do you guys do daily every day to keep up with your favorite websites?
2. Check my e-mail
3. look at these forums
It may vary depending on what I find in my e-mail/Google reader, but that's the basic process. Sometimes I'll check up on the sites that don't have an RSS feed, like TIGS or Sinfest.
2.Read the webcomics with my morning tea
3.Check the forums at work, every 10min or so (I get really bored sometimes)
4.Check my youtube subscriptions when I get home
5.Check my E-mail
2. Check any websites that don't send me email notifications (DeviantArt, mainly).
3. Check this forum
4. Do anything I should want to do that day.
1. Check Dow Jones and screw around with various stocks in GoogleFinance for about 20 mintues
2. Check Email for 4-5 minutes
3. Check any podcasts I listen to
4. Play Medieval 2/ Read /r9k/
2. Internet
3. Leave work
Internet consists of enough things to keep me occupied for HOURS. Some days I don't get to them all because of work. They include commerce, forums, news, and email. I don't want to go into detail.
Shit. Another funny is the bundle that comes after 'Theology'.
I also open my ubuntu virtualbox and have that running in seamless mode. Whenever I set up an http proxy I'll ssh to that and be able to IM again. (Yes, I actually use IM/ IRC for work stuff. My supervisor and I are trying to get Kodak to go open source, so I've been futzing with a few CRM solutions. Also, working on linux drivers for our printers, because the dev guy hasn't gotten back to us in a month.)
EDIT: As for my Google Reader, I think I still have 1000+ articles / webcomics to read. There are a lot of cooking blogs, quite a few blogs about Tokyo (fun things to do, et. al.), and a few literary/artistic/techie blogs (also, science blogs).
Basically, I always have something to read, wherever I am. (Yay for the iPhone?)
2. Mess around in Twitterfox and Blip.fm
3. Check Google Reader
4. Go to the Simply Syndicated forums, read and comment
5. Go to Facebook
6. Go to the Left Field Cinema forums, read and comment
7. They used to call this "surfing". Usually involves coming to these forums at some point, reading, and sometimes commenting.
2. FRUiTS community
3. Suffice/twitter
4. My site
5. Blogs and such
6. RSS
7. Webcomics and whatever.
1) My roleplaying sites
2) Youtube (left open in the background)
3) Emails
Once a week I'll check webcomics, or I'll come here every so often, depending on time and such.
20 Forums
30 Reddit
40 GOTO 10
2) Browse the forums
3) Check my Myspace. Everyone I know uses it so I might as well.
4) Browse random things.
2. webcomics
3. torrent tracker sites
4. forums
5. Wikipedia for its article of the day
6. rinse and repeat until I get bored