Okay. I need help finding an app. I have been looking for a while and have just about given up.
What I'm looking for is a program...preferably portable (no registry entries or install needed), free and small...that will look in multiple directories, grab log files, and zip them up into one file. It would help if it could grab the newest of several similar files out of a folder as well.
I can't seem to find anything like that which is odd since I would think this is a pretty common need among software product manager types. It would also help if our software vendor would put all of their logs in one place but....
As good as Google is, I've decided that it often sucks. John C. Dvorak first mentioned this, and he's absolutely right. There are countless searches that come up with crappy spam sites.
An example... the other day I needed to find out what airlines flew to a city in India. The top results were all generic airline bookers that "pretended" to have information about this city. In reality, they were just a booking services with no information at all. I could have gone to Travelocity if I wanted that.
The same is true for reviews of electronic products. I get a ton of shopping sites or Amazon affiliates linking to the Amazon reviews.
Wikia search had potential, but never really panned out.
There is definitely room for improvement.
As for Google, I've decided that there is currently no technologically feasible way to search for certain things. I've adapted my life as such until this is no longer true.
You have a problem, log files. You come up with a solution, a portable program to zip them up. You then go searching for how to implement that solution. You can't find an implementation because your solution is wrong. Instead of trying to find an implementation for your poor solution, instead search for your actual problem. If you had done that, you would have found many sites that would teach you about proper log file rotation.
A similar thing happened with my mom recently. She had some photos on her camera, and she wanted me to burn them onto a CD. I asked why. She said because she wanted to give them to somebody. I pointed out that she had already uploaded her photos to Flickr. Burning a CD is pointless. She should just tell that somebody to go to her Flickr site.
If Google is unable to help you when you search for something, then it is very likely you are searching for something wrong in the first place. Remember, especially with technology, search for your problem. When you search for a problem, Google will give the answer. If you search for how to implement a solution, you will only find an answer if your solution was correct to begin with, and it often is not.
Sometimes I get caught up in my own things that I forget to drop in on my parents to see how they're doing. Plus, from my cultural background it is the responsibility of the children to take care of the parents when they reach the age of old-fogeyness. My father is also a disabled veteran. He can't do a lot of things he once did, nor can he remember a lot of things in regards to his health, so I have to go with him to his visits to the VA and make sure he understands and follows what his provider says.
In the end I figure, my parents gave me a good upbringing, whatever they ask of me, it's the least I could do to show my appreciation.
Okay, so I've done the "How to" searches as well as the "Log File Collector" searches. If I must build it so they will come, I guess I can do that. I'm a bright lad. Scripting is a new one for me though. Can someone suggest a good starting point? VB? These are all windows boxes. Actually they are touch screen Point of Sale Registers running XP which means they are just goofy looking low-end PC's with expensive screens and over-priced outdated software running on them.
I'm with you gedavids. Scripting is something I wish I had learned and seems like everyone else knows how to do it. I've done sys-admin, help desk, project management, and software management. It has just never come up for some reason.