By all accounts, I should not be telling anyone what I am about to tell them. However, as an idealistic public servant, I feel as though I am obligated to tell you, the taxpayers of this great nation (and our friends abroad), about a facepalm-worthy failure at the government level.
Today, in a multistate conference call regarding the current Salmonella outbreak, an FDA official relayed to us the reason that the tainted peanut butter evaded notice. Apparently, the FDA was unaware that the Peanut Corporation of America manufactured peanut butter.
The FDA, whose function is to regulate foods throughout the nation, did not know that a PEANUT PRODUCT MANUFACTURER made PEANUT BUTTER.
You can't make that up, seriously.
For want of a more apt picture.
Interesting how you've distilled all your feelings and opinions without knowing any of my stances on the issue. Single-pay isn't the only universal health care model out there, you know; rather than see government absorb about 15 percent of the American economy, I'd love instead to see an individual health care mandate such as the one proposed by Bill Clinton in 1993.
So fuck that, you fucking cow fucker, with your fucking fuckaholic fuckerness.
We really need to centralize food protection into one agency, as opposed to having this ridiculous overlap between the USDA and the FDA.