Honestly, I'm disturbed by the fact that he was disturbed. That one wasn't even against the idea of religion; it's not trying to persuade anyone who isn't already with them. Are so many people really this afraid of the very idea that somebody would question religious faith?
Are so many people really this afraid of the very idea that somebody would question religious faith?
Wow. I wonder if we could make some sort of analysis of the level of "disturbing" between the ad and this video. I am thankful I don't have this woman not as my mother.
Srsly. Replace "Don't believe in God?" with almost anything else, and you have an ad that no one anywhere would find offensive. The only "offense" is that it refers to atheism.
Thursday the chair of DART's Board of Directors, Angela Connolly, told Channel 13 that DART has now actually received more calls supporting the ads than against them.
Faith in humanity ++
I need to make myself a "Don't believe in God? You are not alone." sandwich board and hang out near all the crazy preachers on Briggate.
I need to make myself a "Don't believe in God? You are not alone." sandwich board and hang out near all the crazy preachers on Briggate.