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When You Feel Like Shit

edited February 2009 in Everything Else
When you guys have a very bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?


  • Listen to GeekNights.
  • When you guys have a very bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
    I listen to metal.

    Or drink.

    Or both.
  • Every day you are alive is a good day. If you are having a bad day, that means it's somehow different from your other days. If it's an unusual day, even if shitty stuff happens, at least it will be interesting.

    Take for example the day Rym cut his finger. Waiting at the hospital for many hours sucked balls, and it was more unpleasant for Rym with his finger cut open. However, we learned a lot, and saw interesting new things.
  • edited February 2009
    I go outside. Staying inside will just make me sadder. Shopping and doing a project helps too. I've been in a big drop lately so doing these things keeps the horrible within at bay.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • edited February 2009
    By the way, there's a 50% chance I will be out of a job today. This company is going down the shitter. They are canning people left and right, and my "yearly review" is today.

    However, I also came up with the best idea I ever had just now when I was in the bathroom. If I lose my job, I'm going to work on it non-stop starting as soon as I get home. Actually, I'm going to do that whether I lose my job or not. It's a really good idea.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited February 2009
    work on it non-stop starting as soon as I get home
    Work on what?

    By the way, Scott, good luck. I know I get mad at you sometimes, but I'm always wishing you well. Gambatte!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I listen to some podcasts, go outside, go someplace, watch some of my favorite anime (or something that will lift my spirits), masturbate (depends on just how shitty, LOL), or just find some little thing about that day that was awesome, and sort of turn that into a redeeming thing about your day.
  • Take a long bath while listening to Bob Marley. Veeeeeeery relaxing.
  • y the way, there's a 50% chance I will be out of a job today. This company is going down the shitter. They are canning people left and right, and my "yearly review" is today.
    Of course, aren't they screwed without you? Unless they drop your entire office, I'd wager they'll keep you around, even if you don't really want to be there. ;^)
  • There's some music that can put me in the proper mood right away. Strawberry Jam by Animal Collective always makes me feel good, especially after screaming along with the vocals.
  • Of course, aren't they screwed without you? Unless they drop your entire office, I'd wager they'll keep you around, even if you don't really want to be there. ;^)
    They're kinda screwed without me, but I think they're willing to suffer at this point. They got rid of some other people that they are screwed without. Looks like they are going with fewer people, and working the asses off the people they have.

    If they don't let me go, I'm going to let them know that I'm looking to leave.
  • edited February 2009
    While Scott is impervious to the frailties of basic human emotions, his point is valid to a certain extent. Unless a super major event is happening, your really aren't having that bad of a day. Even in hard times there is usually something to enjoy/divert.
    Those of us that do get somewhat ruffled do well to have coping techniques to minimize and stop the negative emotions/rundown feeling that a hard day can bring.
    For me any of the following activities can instantly change my mood:

    1) Sex
    2) Playing with my puppies
    3) Having a tickle fight with Mr. MacRoss
    4) A bubble bath
    5) A good meal
    6) A back scratch
    7) A cathartic creative session (writing, music, sewing)
    8) An athletic activity

    The thing that works best, though, is taking a moment to put your problems into perspective and realize that you usually have more joys than sorrows. ( A beautiful view - whether a sweeping vista or a pretty field on the side of the road always helps.)
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • To be honest, my life is in a pretty massive rut. Most of my problems stem from not knowing or keeping in mind what I want to do. I mean, right now I have no idea of what I want to do so I'm just going to put my position down in very simple terms:

    What is my current status:
    No money, no education, barely an income to speak of.
    Desired status:
    Money and time in abundance from working in schools to solve their problems through the wonders of technology, at the same time: perusing my dream of bringing independent comics into the mainstream. Also, making regular visits to my friends in Japan.

    Remember: You can do what it takes to get your self out of any situation, it just takes knowing what to do, and, as such, having some pragmatic method to go about finding out.

    *Omu got motivation! Now to get his sorry ass out of here!*
  • To echo the other sentiments (on a more serious note):

    If it's a small thing that's irking you, a diversion is usually the best tactic. Small irks usually go way on their own. Suggestions are reading, exercising, or listening to really angry music. Putting things into perspective and realizing that the little irk isn't really a big deal is the way to go. Personal tragedies are a different matter entirely and would warrant a separate discussion.

    Generally, I get over feeling shitty by realizing that as long as I'm still here, I can make it better. Fall down 7 times, get up 8. Keep on truckin'. You get the idea.
  • edited February 2009
    @ Omnu: Well, for money... take a job that you don't hate and in the interest of long term allows you to get the education you need to do what you want to do professionally. Money and time in abundance isn't easy to come by, particularly not with your fairly lofty goals (not disparaging your goals at all, but some are a bit lofty). What particular position do you want in schools?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Working out is good. It's really hard to get motivated to do it, but if you can actually drag yourself to a gym that has some free weights and a few elliptical machines, you can work out most of your frustrations.

    I'm not kidding - GeekNights is good for these feelings. The lads can be frustrating, but their constant, audacious, optimism rubs off if you listen long enough.
  • Every day you are alive is a good day. If you are having a bad day, that means it's somehow different from your other days. If it's an unusual day, even if shitty stuff happens, at least it will be interesting.

    Take for example the day Rym cut his finger. Waiting at the hospital for many hours sucked balls, and it was more unpleasant for Rym with his finger cut open. However, we learned a lot, and saw interesting new things.
    I hate to agree with Scott on this one, but this is how I live my life. The crappier the thing that happens the better story it will be for me or people around me to tell :-p
  • The lads can be frustrating, but their constant, audacious, optimism rubs off if you listen long enough.
    Part of that is an ego thing, and it's good. Many times, the root of feeling down is a lack of self-confidence. Maybe someone tells you that you're not good enough, or maybe you think that you're not good enough. A lot of people are insightful enough to realize their faults and be self-critical, but not many people are willing to admit when they're good at something; they're afraid it'll come off as being arrogant.

    I always tell people that they are awesome at something. You have to be. There's something that you're good at, and you just won't let yourself come to grips with that. Come to grips with the fact that you're awesome, and your life will be much better. Yes, you'll sometimes come off as being arrogant, but that's part of being self-confident. Along with admitting your own faults, you have to admit to and capitalize on your own strengths.

    Fuck false modesty. You're awesome, so be awesome. That's a big step towards getting over feeling down.
  • Although I agree with Scott and the rest on the ideas of an "unlucky day", I will occasionally have a day where I under/oversleep, have a bad meal (or am forced to skip a meal entirely), or might just be a little under the weather (stiff necks are a major day-ruiner). This is what I consider a bad day, since I'm not as comfortable as I'm used to and will normally be a little grumpy/out of it/another emotion that may lead to trouble.

    When this happens, my cure is to endure things until you have a little spare time. Then, drink something caffeinated and take a nap immediately afterward. I've read that it takes 15 minutes for caffeine to really affect your body, so that gives you just enough time to rest naturally and get a little chemical energy boost. If the problem stays a little more mental (maybe there's something on your mind), grab a book, do some writing, or do something that takes all of your focus (Normally I'm a huge multi-tasker, but if I'm down, I need to focus on one mental exercise)
  • The lads can be frustrating, but their constant, audacious, optimism rubs off if you listen long enough.
    Part of that is an ego thing, and it's good. Many times, the root of feeling down is a lack of self-confidence. Maybe someone tells you that you're not good enough, or maybeyouthink that you're not good enough. A lot of people are insightful enough to realize their faults and be self-critical, but not many people are willing to admit when they'regoodat something; they're afraid it'll come off as being arrogant.

    I always tell people that they are awesome at something. You have to be. There's something that you're good at, and you just won't let yourself come to grips with that. Come to grips with the fact that you're awesome, and your life will be much better. Yes, you'll sometimes come off as being arrogant, but that's part of being self-confident. Along with admitting your own faults, you have to admit to and capitalize on your own strengths.

    Fuck false modesty. You're awesome, so be awesome. That's a big step towards getting over feeling down.
    Generally I only use the ego trip if I'm in an actually bad situation, like for example I get passed over on a job so the manager can hire his friend and I am yet again left high and dry without an income. Whale Shark I'm with you completely on if someone is awesome, tell them they're fucking awesome or that they have talent because what the fuck does false modesty actually do for us, aside from turning people into hyper sensitive self doubting plebs?

    For life's normal trials, troubles and tribulations I'm big into a going to bed with a hot cup of tea, either getting a nice book or just trawling the internet looking for amusing things
  • If I'm feeling shitty I run until I can't run any more, then I do push ups and crunches until I'm too exhausted to go on. After that I sit down with a book or a video game and play/read until I'm bored, and then I work on school for the rest of the day. Alternatively, I'll try to find time to hang out with friends, make some music, or both. That sort of thing always puts me in a good mood.
  • the best idea I ever had just now when I was in the bathroom.
    Ah, the loo. A great place to get inspiration, and to take a piss. Which nicely coincides with what I do when I feel like shit. I take a shit. In the case of feeling depressed, eh, I forget about that nonsense within an hour without any specific efforts on my part. Sobbing about ain't going to help you. Just put it away and do whatever you were going to do.
  • edited February 2009
    Some things in life are bad, they can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble, give a whistle! And this'll help things turn out for the best!

    Post edited by Sail on
  • -Write/Draw in a cathartic fashion
    -Improvise (poorly, at present) on guitar
    -Listen to music (Slayer/JFaC)
    -Podcasts (GeekNights or Fast Karate, usually)
  • Hot showers also help.

    I've been losing a lot of sleep recently, due to being unemployed and job-hunting in the cold, dark north, and nothing helps keep me perky more than a nice, hot shower. That, and a measured ration of caffeinated tea.
  • I will usually will do anything that I know will make me laugh. I'll watch an old cartoon, listen to a funny podcast, or just surf around looking for funny stuff online.

    Also, I try to keep this attitude whenever I can about bad days:

  • I remember I don't live in Zimbabwe.
  • Look on LOLcats. :)
  • I remember that I can leave home when I get my BFA.
  • I curl up in a little ball and cry myself to sleep.
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