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Watchmen - Comic or Movie first?

edited March 2009 in Everything Else
So the movie's out, but since I haven't read the comic (American comics aren't that big deal here in Germany and I had no opportunity to read them) I'm curious what to do now. Read the comic first and then watch the movie or watch the movie and then read the comic?


  • Read the comic, then read it again. If you feel it isn't that deep, read it at least once more. Then if you think you understand what it's about, THEN you may watch the movie.

    Though they changed the ending in the movie, so I wouldn't say it spoils the comic.
  • edited March 2009
    I'm going to see the movie first. I haven't gotten around to reading the comic and I would like to see the movie with some friends this week.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • American comics aren't that big deal here in Germany and I had no opportunity to read them
    What kind of comics are a big deal in Germany? I haven't heard much about German comics. Do you guys get a lot of bande dessinee there?
  • I recommend to watch the movie first and then read the comic.
  • American comics aren't that big deal here in Germany and I had no opportunity to read them
    What kind of comics are a big deal in Germany? I haven't heard much about German comics. Do you guys get a lot of bande dessinee there?
    Going by availability, Simpsons comics and manga, A LOT of manga.
    Of course there are the children comics like Disney's Donald Duck comics or Asterix and Obelix, which is a classic.
  • Of course there are the children comics like Disney's Donald Duck comics or Asterix and Obelix, which is a classi
    I've heard that Disney duck comics were huge all over Europe, and that when Carl Barks died, it was big news. Here in the US, only comics people who know their stuff even know who he was.
  • The movie is a compendium, not a replacement.
  • American comics aren't that big deal here in Germany and I had no opportunity to read them
    What kind of comics are a big deal in Germany? I haven't heard much about German comics. Do you guys get a lot of bande dessinee there?
    Going by availability, Simpsons comics and manga, A LOT of manga.
    Of course there are the children comics like Disney's Donald Duck comics or Asterix and Obelix, which is a classic.
    Just like you said, 95% manga and children comics, though I'm trying to spread Scott Pilgrim among my friends to decrease the manga rate. Anyway I just ordered Watchmen and will see what to do first.
  • Wow isn't this an obvious question?

    The comic...
  • Well, it depends on which you want to enjoy. On the one hand, the movie will seem great if you see it first. The problem with that is that you may spoil the comic. And no, Skyshiro, I don't think it is an obvious question.
  • I saw the movie as the scenes of the comic acted out in real life. I think they cut too much out of it to really make someone enjoy the story as someone who read and understood the comic.
    I'm still waiting for my friends who saw it first to finish reading and tell me what they think.
  • On the one hand, the movie will seem great if you see it first.
    You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
  • On the one hand, the movie will seem great if you see it first.
    You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
    All of my friends that have seen it have liked it.
  • On the one hand, the movie will seem great if you see it first.
    You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
    I pretty much guarantee that the people who didn't understand the movie would also not understand the book. There is at least some symbolism that should be obvious to any thinking person.
  • Read the comic.
  • You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
    I don't know, I just got back from seeing it with my mom and she understood it. I mean, if a woman who watches practically nothing but romantic comedies can get the movie, I think the majority of people can.
  • I don't know, I just got back from seeing it with my mom and she understood it. I mean, if a woman who watches practically nothing but romantic comedies can get the movie, I think the majority of people can.
    I've been misinformed.
  • Yeah, like I said in another thread, the people we brought along who had never even heard of Watchmen before ended up loving it.
  • You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
    I don't know, I just got back from seeing it with my mom and she understood it. I mean, if a woman who watches practically nothing but romantic comedies can get the movie, I think the majority of people can.
    I think your mom might be smarter than you give her credit for, then. I overheard a bunch of college-aged students talking about the movie afterwards, and they didn't sound like they got it at all. Like, they couldn't figure out the significance of Nite Owl II and Silk Specter II being able to actually beat up bad guys despite not actually being super-powered. They couldn't grasp that.

    I think it has far more to do with maturity level than anything else. I have a very intelligent but immature coworker who watched it, and he's not in the least bit interested in exploring it. He went to see shiny things on the screen. Meanwhile, I have a somewhat less intelligent (still smart, but not as smart as the previous guy), but very grounded and somewhat more mature coworker who actually got things. Of course, he was also already a fan of the comic. The two are around the same age.
  • I guess people think "Hey, another Comic movie like Spiderman or Batman" and they expect some kind of usual Blockbuster movie and not a deep work of an even deeper comic. Anyway, I will read the comic first, because it should be here tomorrow and since I've got no time to go watch the movie in the cinema, I'll just start reading the comic and when there is an opportunity I'll just watch the movie.
  • I pretty much guarantee that the people who didn't understand the movie would also not understand the book. There is at least some symbolism that should be obvious to any thinking person.
    you assume people like that exist outside this forum; and while you may have some faith in humanity, just about all of mine had been lost due to the stupid actions of people I am surrounded by everyday.
  • you assume people like that exist outside this forum; and while you may have some faith in humanity, just about all of mine had been lost due to the stupid actions of people I am surrounded by everyday.
    And you assume that based on the people around you, that most people are stupid.
    you assume people like that exist outside this forum
    There are smart thinking people out there, in many various locations around the world. If there weren't any, I would think that this forum wouldn't exist or be as active. I would think that most people who are in the forum were still fairly smart and actually "thinkers" before they came to this forum.
  • edited March 2009
    You think so? I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people who haven't read the book say that they didn't understand it.
    I don't know, I just got back from seeing it with my mom and she understood it. I mean, if a woman who watches practically nothing but romantic comedies can get the movie, I think the majority of people can.
    Wow! Way to malign the intelligence of people who enjoy different genres than you do and to insult your Mom with that back-handed statement.
    Superior... smug... a**hole...
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Jeez people, it was a joke. My mom is a fairly intelligent woman, she just tends to not consume a lot of intellectually stimulating pieces of media.
  • Jeez people, it was a joke. My mom is a fairly intelligent woman, she just tends to not consume a lot of intellectually stimulating pieces of media.
    Again, way to make an assumption about a genre you don't partake in and set a value on its intellectual stimulation.
  • edited March 2009
    Jeez people, it was a joke. My mom is a fairly intelligent woman, she just tends to not consume a lot of intellectually stimulating pieces of media.
    Again, way to make an assumption about a genre you don't partake in and set a value on its intellectual stimulation.
    Listen, French Kiss was a sweet movie, but you can't possibly call that intellectually stimulating. It's like a Jane Austen movie; it's not good, but you can derive entertainment from it.

    Well, at least some people can. I can derive nausea from those sorts of things.
    I pretty much guarantee that the people who didn't understand the movie would also not understand the book. There is at least some symbolism that should beobviousto anythinkingperson.
    you assume people like that exist outside this forum; and while you may have some faith in humanity, just about all of mine had been lost due to the stupid actions of people I am surrounded by everyday.
    I am readily one of the most cynical people you'll meet. Really, though, as George Carlin said, a cynic is just a disappointed idealist. I really want to believe that there are other smart people out there; I find a lot of evidence to the contrary, but I still really feel the need to believe it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2009
    Jeez people, it was a joke. My mom is a fairly intelligent woman, she just tends to not consume a lot of intellectually stimulating pieces of media.
    Again, way to make an assumption about a genre you don't partake in and set a value on its intellectual stimulation.
    STFU. Seriously. I had to double check your username to make sure you're not Nineless. You claim you aren't easily offended, but I think it's just that you're too often offended for other people and groups. It was a joke. Deal with it.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited March 2009
    I was thinking that a comparison with Akira, watch the movie first since if you read the comic first you wont enjoy the movie as much, would work, but that doesn't really fit since the Akira movie and comic were vastly different in some aspects while the Watchmen movie wasn't that different from the comic. That said, i say read the comic first, but when you get around to watching the movie put the comic down and try not to compare the two until the end credits role.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Jeez people, it was a joke. My mom is a fairly intelligent woman, she just tends to not consume a lot of intellectually stimulating pieces of media.
    Again, way to make an assumption about a genre you don't partake in and set a value on its intellectual stimulation.
    I end up watching some of the romantic comedies that she likes when it is her turn to pick the movie, so I have seen my fair share of them, there are even some Romantic Comedies that I greatly enjoy (films like Shaun of the Dead, 40-Year-Old Virgin, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall are some of my personal favourite movies). I can say without a shadow of doubt that movies like Because I Said So (one of her favourites) is not only not a good movie in the slightest, but will actually make you stupider for watching it.
  • edited March 2009
    It's like a Jane Austen movie; it's notgood, but you can derive entertainment from it.
    WTF?! Have you ever watched one, let alone read one of the books?! If you did, you would learn about the elaborate social structures and etiquette of the day, historically accurate terms, politics, slavery, sexual identity, historical battles, law, technology (fuck yes), agricultural systems, pay structures, etc.

    @Li_Akahi: There are worthwhile pieces of art in almost any genre and you dismiss it to readily. Coming from a group of geeks that enjoy fantasy movies, sci-fi, and comics you should be aware that genres and mediums that appear to be sheet entertainment actually have some intellectually stimulating content. The same goes for romantic epics, romantic comedies, etc. Is every comic a real source of intellectual stimulation? Probably not, a lot of them are just for a lark. However, every genre has its Hamlet and to dismiss it out of hand is short sighted and narrow minded. Now, your Mom may only like the light, fluffy romantic comedies, but that isn't all that is out there. Keep in mind that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a romance movie with a comedic bent and it is only one example.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
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