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the Graveyard.

edited March 2009 in Everything Else
(Yes, it is spelled that way)

[Main Website] [Steam Demo]

Well this game popped up on Steam today, although I think I can tie this to back to the discussion about flOwer about transcending traditional gameplay into something like an art form.

For those not aware or just don't want to click on the link, the Graveyard. is about an old woman walking through the graveyard, sits down on a bench, reminisce on the past, gets up, then leaves. That's it. The whole game is maybe even shorter than Gravity Bone. But if you pay five bucks for the "full" version, they added just one feature, the possibility that she will die. So in some playthroughs, she'll live, but then suddenly pass away in the next.

the Graveyard. could easily have been made into a short movie to be screened at Sundance or up on Youtube. But playing it as a game, it adds something else, it like you are at least guiding the old woman, helping her out. Someone on the Steam forum mentioned this, if you pay for the game, you're paying to let the old woman die. Good or bad, I'm not sure. The song being sung when she sat down, the subtitles ran by so fast I couldn't catch everything, so I might need to play it again. From what I got, it's depressing, so maybe having her die will bring her peace?

In general, do I consider this a game? I'm just not sure, it is an experience though. Do I like it? Sorry, not my kind of tea. On the off note, the developers are creating The Path, which is based on some different version of Little Red Riding Hood, which is interesting to me.


  • I'm not so impressed. I feel that there's not enough involvement by the player to warrant it being any more than a film. The death aspect could add something, but overall, I don't think it's enough.
  • edited March 2009
    The song being sung when she sat down, the subtitles ran by so fast I could catch everything,
    It's about the pains of growing old while you watch everyone you know die around you. I like how the journey on the way back to the gate seems so much longer than the one to the bench. I see what they were trying to go for, but there are a few little things they could have added to make the scene more impactful. Perhaps the full version does this.

    Personally, I found Passage to be much more effective in using interactivity to convey a message. This game was almost there, but not quite. I would definitely like to see more stuff like this in the future, though.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited March 2009
    (Wow, that's a glaring mistake in my quote, kudos for getting it, Sail.)

    Alright, the song is clearer and made some more sense now. The walk back to the gate is slower? That I'll have to pay attention to next time. I've also just checked out Passage, and I do agree the message is much more effective there. I think it's because of the "freeform" narrative, which the player can more relate to in some ways, while the Graveyard's stricter which made it more like the player is just someone helping her.
    Post edited by omegafinal on
  • (Wow, that's a glaring mistake in my quote, kudos for getting it, Sail.)
    Oh, I didn't even notice that. My brain just replaced it with "couldn't" because it fit better in context.
    The walk back to the gate is slower? That I'll have to pay attention to next time.
    I'm not sure if it actually is slower, but it felt slower.
  • The song was dutch! I totally didn't expect that. It was a 'Smartlap', we have many songs like these.

    Really, I kind off dislike things like these. It seems half the people in the Netherlands really like these kinds of things, and thus I see/hear them often. To me, it seems like someone made this as a project for school and thought 'gee, why don't I put this on steam?'.
  • I heard this "game" was a pretentious bag of garbage.
  • I heard this "game" was a pretentious bag of garbage.
    It's not as bad as braid. Also, it's about an old lady, how could that be pretentious?!?
  • edited March 2009
    I heard this "game" was a pretentious bag of garbage.
    It's not as bad as braid. Also, it's about an old lady, how could that be pretentious?!?
    Hey, I really liked Braid. Plus, I'm just saying what I heard.

    Edit: Also, I've just recalled that the reason the Graveyard was called pretentious wasn't because of the game itself, but because the developers had done an interview in which they had claimed that "the Graveyard tells a better story than any traditional video game ever could" or something along those lines. At least Braid has gameplay and a story to tell.
    Post edited by Koholint on
  • I haven't heard of the interview, but it does sound like they are rather boastful. Sure, maybe the EXECUTION of the story is better than most, but the problem with it is that it's somewhat abstract, and you cannot just straight up enjoy it. Even though I understood it, not everyone else will be the same. Besides, this thing's practically free (except her dying). Okay, that sounded sadistic to a degree.

    I haven't played Braid (but will when it comes on Steam), but doesn't that game also have a pretty messed up storyline? I like the looks of the gameplay, and I think I'll find myself doing the same thing Soulja Boy did in his "Let's Play" (using the term loosely) of the game.
  • It depends on your definition of "messed up."
  • I guess I'll find out when I play it then. I've only heard that it's a guy rescuing a princess and then stuff goes to hell, that's it.
  • I guess I'll find out when I play it then. I've only heard that it's a guy rescuing a princess and then stuff goes to hell, that's it.
    Your princess is in another castle. I think. I've never seen her, are you sure she exists?
  • The princess has quit the role all together, rescue a monkey!

    Eh, outdated info.
  • The princess has quit the role all together, rescue a monkey!

    Eh, outdated info.
    Are you replying to me? If so, I directly quoted the game...
  • Whoa, I thought you were joking.
  • Whoa, I thought you were joking.
    Look, I dont wanna spoil it for anyone, but you don't see the princess until the final level, and even then, you never even get to be in the same room as her.(Highlight To see).
  • It is told that, somewhere, there exists a mighty creature called a metaphor.
  • Can someone explain braid for me? I'm not sure if I get it, and if I do, it's not as deep as I toughed it would be.
  • I've never played it, but I'm thinking: Mario World + Blinx: The Time Sweeper.
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