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Harry Potter (spoilers be here)



  • edited July 2009
    I agree with most of the gripes posted, but I have to say that I think the direction and film editing was quite good (much better than some of the past films). I think leaving out the activities/relationships of the Order of the Phoenix and the battle were the only true sticking points for me.
    EDIT: I just realized I was signed on as MR.MacRoss. This is actually Mrs. MacRoss.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I agree with most of the gripes posted, but I have to say that I think the direction and film editing was quite good (much better than some of the past films). I think leaving out the activities/relationships of the Order of the Phoenix and the battle were the only true sticking points for me.
    EDIT: I just realized I was signed on as MR.MacRoss. This is actually Mrs. MacRoss.
    Or did you.....maybe you and Mr macross are one and the same!
  • I agree with most of the gripes posted, but I have to say that I think the direction and film editing was quite good (much better than some of the past films). I think leaving out the activities/relationships of the Order of the Phoenix and the battle were the only true sticking points for me.
    EDIT: I just realized I was signed on as MR.MacRoss. This is actually Mrs. MacRoss.
    Or did you.....maybe you and Mr macross are one and the same!
    *DUN DUN DUN!* You have figured it out!

    Actually, if you look at the picture thread you will see us on the day we became Mr. ad Mrs. ^_^ It would be kinda funny if it was just one person with two assumed identities.
  • Actually, if you look at the picture thread you will see us on the day we became Mr. ad Mrs. ^_^ It would be kinda funny if it was just one person with two assumed identities.
    You can't fool me, Vile temptress, I know the awesome power of the photoshops!
  • Actually, if you look at the picture thread you will see us on the day we became Mr. ad Mrs. ^_^ It would be kinda funny if it was just one person with two assumed identities.
    You can't fool me, Vile temptress, I know the awesome power of the photoshops!

    Seriously though, I felt the movie was okay. Very well directed and had some very good moments of tension and humor in the first half. I can tolerate them dropping all the political stuff, the muggle/magical world mixing more, the Weasly family drama (although seeing Bill would have been awesome), Hermione's desperate research into the half-blood prince, and even Dumbledor's funeral. But the last part, where there is that massive combat in the school that caused so much intensity at the end of the book, is where all the wind got sucked out for me. They have this great series of events that happen so rapidly, show off how some of the characters have grown in power, and cause many dramatic moments which simply aren't there anymore. It feels like it fell flat and had a lot missing. It's not a bad movie, but it could have been far, far better.
  • I recently saw the movie and wasn't impressed at all.

    I think my main issue was I felt that there was no directed plot. The whole book is essentially about finding out Voldemort's past, and as stated, they skipped most of that in the movie. The HBP is all about Harry getting to "know his enemy", preparing him for the battle against Voldy without Dumbledore's aid. All the movie focused on was teenage romances, which I guess is a big part in the book, but not as an important one imo. I didn't even feel as they did the romance well either. Harry and Ginny just seemed awkward.

    But then again, this is a movie. I'm not exactly expecting much.
  • It amuses me that most of the complaints I made about the book are being repeated for the movie. It makes me anticipate the reactions people will have to the next movie, which I found to be the weakest point in the entire series.
  • It amuses me that most of the complaints I made about the book are being repeated for the movie. It makes me anticipate the reactions people will have to the next movie, which I found to be the weakest point in the entire series.
    When I think about it, this movie felt like a set-up for the next movies...
  • Aside from all the stuff they left out in order to add to an overly exaggerated depiction of the teen romance/angst....

    I had a major problem with the depiction Tom Riddle. He was made MUCH too overtly nasty. Part of what made him so frightening and dangerous was the fact that he was charming, friendly, and bright. Every time he said something creepy by accident, he would check himself expertly right afterward. Movie-Riddle was written, directed, and acted in such an overtly creepy way that it made Dumbledore and Slughorn seem like complete imbeciles.
  • Deathly Hallows pt.1 teaser trailer.
    I really do hope since there will be two movies, David Yates will keep it pretty close to the book.

    Looks promising, however I said the same thing about Half-Blood Prince.
  • Deathly Hallows pt.1 teaser trailer.
    I really do hope since there will be two movies, David Yates will keep it pretty close to the book.

    Looks promising, however I said the same thing about Half-Blood Prince.
    There's no reason to keep it close to the book anymore, they've strayed so far already. :( (No more Burrow??) I've pretty much given up hope for accuracy.
  • (No more Burrow??)
    Yeah, why the fuck did they do that? I don't think I've read anything that gave an answer to that.
  • I've pretty much given up hope for accuracy.
    I expect the next movie to open up with "Black In Black" with our three heroes launching out of an exploding parking garage on flying motorcycles, and then mowing down an entire death squad of Robot Zombie Ninja Death Eaters with enchanted AK-47s.

    At this point, I am only half-joking.
  • There's no reason to keep it close to the book anymore, they've strayed so far already. :( (No more Burrow??) I've pretty much given up hope for accuracy.
    Yeah, you're probably right. I try to forget about what Yates did with Half-Blood Prince, but I'll be "kindly" reminded this upcoming Tuesday.

    It will be interesting to see how many characters throughout the series that came back in Deathy Hallows.
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