I was checking out Instructables for a
recipe on ramen and when I went to get the instructions to print out, it told me I'd have to
become a pro member, the minimum cost for witch was $8.85 for a quarter.
Now, apart from the price seeming to alienate people who just grab the odd instructable to print out. What are your thoughts on making money on content your users gave to you if they initially thought it was to be shared freely? This leads to the question; Did users share how-tos with free distribution in mind?
Edit: What do people think about making a relatively core feature pay only, even to contributors?
Can any comparison be drawn to crunchyroll? Does anyone have a pro account? If so: What do you think? Do you use it much?
Hmmm... this is weird, I have a free account and I'm able to see the whole instructable and download the custom PDF's, but those are features of the pro accounts as you pointed out.
Also, @MrRobot could you email it to me?
Here's the announcement relating to this.
Might be the difference in locations.
This is a pretty great recipe, by the way. I used it to make ramen a couple months ago and it was delicious.
I probably sounded a bit "OMGs! Twas free but now I gots to pay monies!!1 Archibald!" but what I find most worrying is that a site like this can lock down other people's content without letting them decide and do so after the content has already been submitted.
Edit: @Gunter: What did you add to it?