After attending Otakon this year, I've realized that every person I've met seems to have a specific focus for what they want to do at a convention. Some people are really focused on the cosplay, others are really interested in panels/guest speakers. I'm curious to know what all of your interests are. I met a guy who came to the con for the specific purpose of being in the Masquerade.
Personally, I go for a little of everything. I never really plan to see any panels; everything I do is really on whim, yet there are some specific things I always have in mind. I always want to meet some new artists in the alley, yet I know some people who don't even bother checking the alley out. So forum friends, why do you go to conventions?
All that said, I generally don't go to panels when I go to Animazement. I ended up going to several at Otakon and very much enjoyed all of them.
I agree with the cosplay. I like doing it because it's a chance to be something crazy, after all, standing out is fitting in at Otakon. Tbh, I would love to wear cute lolita outfits every day, but that's not really practical... XD
@ Viga
My reasons seem to change a lot too.
Actually, now that I think about it, cosplay in general isn't practical. Makes me wonder how any super-cat-girl could actually fight villains in high heels and an immobile dress.
We tried a little bit of everything this year. We spent all day Saturday at BCC: started in the videogame room, moved on to watching some of the AMV overflow, then the dealers room to look for a bit, more video, then Rym & Scott's "Cover your bases" panel. Rym & Scott remembered Steen from a visit to their Artist's Alley table last year, and Rym greeted him and shook his hand after the panel. Steen (and his dad) thought that was a cool gesture. Steen's Dealer's Room booty was a Gundam model kit (Arche Gundam), which we spent some of yesterday assembling.
Anime, and geekery in general, is a wonderful source of father-son bonding for us. I look forward to that continuing.
Since we're not doing any shows this week, so I might do a robot-building UStream. Are people interested?
Around that time I was most interested in the Dealers Rooms and looking at cosplays and shit like that.
Now it's at the point that I just go to hang out, play video games, go to the raves, and maybe go to some panels.
As for another robot, probably not.
I rarely step foot in the game room. I don't play too many video games at home, and I will generally not be able to hold my own too well. I'd rather sit with friends I haven't seen for a while and play some Apples to Apples or some other card/board game.
I'm also looking more at how things are done; what works, what fails. Taking notes to pass along and 'steal' for the con I work on.
In the late 90's, early 00's I started going to show my work at artist's alley. Back then it was very, very small. Probably seven tables at most and on a 'whoever sat there first' sort of deal. Often artists only payed for spots on rare occasions, and only famous artists or guest artists were reserved space. I actually broke even at two Otacons because the alley was so small. Now they generally rival the dealer's rooms in size, and it can be difficult for new artists to get noticed.
Most recently, I was going to be with friends and to help run panels and events. For me, though, I've run out of things to do that interest me at the conventions. The concerts are often bands I don't care about (exception for TMR), the dealer's room only rarely sells things I want at prices I can't get elsewhere(All of Slayers TV for $80? Yes please!), any anime I really want to see I can download before it hits the states, I've never liked the masquerade, costumes have gotten very samey or unrelated to anime/Japanese games and were never a big draw for me, the artist alley's are often giant and impersonal and I feel like I get lost in the mass of other very talented artists, and I often ended up with nothing to do after helping fiends run their stuff and hanging out a bit. Cons really don't hold anything for me anymore, sadly.
Basically, I go because my friends go, and because there are a ton of cool art people there.
Also the concerts. I love concerts, and I am always happy to go see whatever musical act Otakon has on the schedule.
Also, I probably could've afforded it if I had seen it, and so knowing that I missed it makes me angry...