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My Television Show - Geek Parley

edited August 2009 in Everything Else
A select few forumites and FRC members know about this, but I think I had better tell you all now as I cannot hold it to myself any longer. Seeing as how I had extensive and previous experience in working on television at my school when I did my editorial piece on the school news (which got mad ratings), I have decided to go a few steps further. I have submitted a draft of a pilot and an outline to my local television station station (my current employment did not give me any benefits in getting it on the air as I had to be like everyone else), and it was accepted!!!

I will now post word-for-word that very same pilot copied from the same document I handed to my boss which was amazingly accepted. Do not take this to be final as it is ,like I said before, a draft so things will be changed.

Geeksp33k Pilot/Format Document

Geeksp33k: A television show that will consist of reviews and editorials about very geeky interests such as anime, manga, comics, video games, gadgets, etc, etc. The show will consist of various segments that will make up the bulk of the show. Depending on how long they are, the show will either have a couple of segments a show or consist of a single one. A lot of the segments will consist of a graph that will be used to review things using letters of the alphabet (E being the worst and A being the best)


Gizmos, Gadgets, and Apps: The segment will consist of me reviewing & recommending computer programs, websites, and other devices that are worth buying or trying out.

Manga for the Average Reader: A segment will consist of me reviewing and talking about Japanese comics (also known as manga) that have enough substance to be novels and ones that the viewer should read. The point of this and a factor that I will repeatedly stress is that manga is a valid form of literature and has as much as a normal novel, but the difference is that there are pictures illustrating the content. Also it will show what you should buy and what you should avoid

Anime Worth Watching: The segment will consist of me reviewing and recommending anime that has substance and universal appeal for anyone to enjoy. Like the manga segment, I will stress that anime are like TV shows and films, the only difference being that it is animated in Japan. Failures in anime will be reviewed to balance out the good to bad ratio in this topic.

Retro Gaming Ahoy! : The segment will consist of me reviewing and demonstrating how a console or video game from yesteryear works and why you should possibly purchase it should you be interested in it. I will also review failures in that topic as well to balance out the good to bad ratio.

Games on the Market: The segment of me speaking about and reviewing video games that are currently on the market either for computers or consoles and why the viewer should rent or buy it.

The Television Zone: The segment will consist of me commenting on and reviewing shows from the past and present that are worth checking out or staying away from. If they are the latter, I will explain why they failed and what they should have done better.

Novel vs. Film: A clash segment that will consist of me briefly reviewing novels & their film counterparts. The bulk of it will be displaying similarities & differences between the two and what I believe to be the stronger of the two (unless it�s a tie or decision is impossible).

Geektastic Games: A segment that will consist of me reviewing and recommending, or talking about role-playing/board games that have strategic depth or make you think (otherwise known as German board games due to a majority of them having German origins).

Galaxy of Graphic Novels: The same premise as manga for the average reader, except this time it applies to graphic novels published in America, Britain, Europe, and elsewhere

The best part about all of this is that I have asked well-known and esteemed forumite Li_Akahi to design the titles for whatever segments as well as the main title for the show itself and he has agreed to do so. Be on the lookout as this thread will continually pop up whenever a new episode has been uploaded which you all should watch. Not only is this show going to be on public access, but it will be uploaded to Youtube as the station recently got a Youtube channel with a special license allowing them to upload programs beyond the stupid 10 minute limit.


  • Could I do an occasional tech segment? Pwetty Pwease?
  • Could I do an occasional tech segment? Pwetty Pwease?
    I guess....but you have to give me some files or something...ooooh! I just had an idea, I'll do a special someday about how to get your kid into geekery and you can send in living proof of your brother as a geek in training.
  • I think focusing on both current and retro vidja gaming is key.
  • I think focusing on both current and retro vidja gaming is key.
    Sorry, all geekery is required.
  • all geekery is required
    You apparently have a pretty narrow view of what "all geekery" is.
  • all geekery is required
    You apparently have a pretty narrow view of what "all geekery" is.
    If you are so sure of yourself, why don't you share with us your definition.
  • Let's see...wargaming...model trains...stamp could pretty much go on forever. If your definition of "all geekery" is just "bootleg Geeknights", I don't even know what to say.
  • Could I do an occasional tech segment? Pwetty Pwease?
    I guess....but you have to give me some files or something...ooooh! I just had an idea, I'll do a special someday about how to get your kid into geekery and you can send in living proof of your brother as a geek in training.
    That's messed up man...
  • edited August 2009
    I think focusing on both current and retro vidja gaming is key.
    Sorry, all geekery is required.
    Uh, you already made clear what segments you have. You are asking us what to focus on. Last time I checked, the word "focus" does not mean single out only one option to do. You might as well have said what you did to everyone that voted, because all I did was type what I voted for into a post. If you want all geekery, then pick another one. You already said you can only have a couple, not all of them, so you're contradicting yourself. Congratulations.

    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • You might want a different name for your show. There are about a million shows named geekspeak, geek speak, comic geek speak, MSDN geek speak, etc. I see that you have a totally l33t spelling, that should help people differentiate your show when searching on the Google, but it won't help when people say the name of your show.

    I know this might sound hypocritical because there are many other things called GeekNights. However, we are the only GeekNights audio/video cast of any sort. All of the GeekNights are clubs / meetup groups.

    The name of your show is far more important than you think. It's worth spending a lot of time working on it to get it perfect.
  • Honestly, I think you should focus on what you know most about. Since you seem to be a movie geek, you might want to stick with that. I honestly haven't seen you speak a lot about the other areas, and it seems to be a lot on your plate to do this. Start with a few topics and get them worked out, then once you get those working, go into other things.

    You should also take criticism instead of being so easily offended.

    I honestly don't like what you post and find you annoying, as I've said before, but I think your idea is decent. Good luck.
  • Well after much thought, I've decided that my first show is going to be about the first volume of Phoenix which I have gone over several times and think I know enough about it to talk about it for 15 of the 30 minutes that I have been given. The second thing that I'm gonna talk about is part of a movie segment I have created recently (like I said before things would change). The movie in question is a response to a movie that will come out soon which is none other than Tron.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    If your definition of "all geekery" is just "bootleg Geeknights", I don't even know what to say.
    Now that right there, what you just said is unwarranted. How in the world is it remotely a "bootleg Geeknights" as you so call it? Does it have two hosts? No. Does it have Things of the Day? No. Does it have News? No. This is hardly a Geeknights bootleg, Geeknights was not the first to do a show that reviews comics, manga, anime, etc, nor were they the last. So I suggest you don't point fingers and accuse me of copying Geeknights, when it is most certainly not a copy, especially considering the evidence I have brought forth.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • This sounds pretty cool, I'll look forward to it.
    Personally, I would like the focus to be on Anime, as I feel there aren't enough good podcasts that give good reviews to Anime, and recommend to me shows that I should watch. There are some (Geeknights being one, though it's given a lot of bad reviews), but not enough. But, there really doesn't have to be a focus. A more broad look would be fine as well.
    Also, I agree with Scott, you probably should call it something other than Geeksp33k. I'd imagine there are even cooler titles out there.
  • Now that right there, what you just said is unwarranted.
    Sorry about that. I don't mean to be rude, nor to imply that you're ripping off Geeknights. Poor choice of words on my part. I just mean that you suggested that your show covers "all geekery", yet your list of topics, aside from movies and television, is exactly what Geeknights covers. There's nothing wrong with that, but there is a lot more to "all geekery".
  • edited August 2009
    I honestly don't like what you post and find you annoying,
    Man, though break, but for what it is worth, I'll watch your show

    And was I the ONLY one to vote for GN's? :'(
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • You haven't specified who you intend the audience to be, the general internet (advanced geeks), or the local TV watchers (less experienced).
    Those familiar with manga\comics could find the reviews interesting, despite the subjects being hard to film, but newcomers will turn you down simply because all they'll see is either you talking, or Pan-Tilt of still drawings.

    VG and movies are popular with all crowds, but I doubt your ability to find a unique POV on those subjects.

    Don't rate anything by a stupid A to E scale. You can't say Phonix is a great literary work, explain its motifs and theme, then saying it deserves a B. You don't rate literature.

    Change the name.

    Good luck.
  • yet your list of topics, aside from movies and television, is exactly what Geeknights covers.
    Funfetus has a point. What makes your show any different than the many other shows/podcasts out there that do the same thing? That's something you might want to ask yourself. If you do reviews of things that have already been done before, I don't see the point in having to listen/watch what you have to say.

    I honestly don't like having to watch reviews on the internet. I'd rather just listen to reviews while I multitask. That is just me speaking.
  • edited August 2009
    Funfetus has a point. What makes your show any different than the many other shows/podcasts out there that do the same thing? That's something you might want to ask yourself. If you do reviews of things that have already been done before, I don't see the point in having to listen/watch what you have to say.
    I believe that's a trifle unfair.

    What makes Geeknights different to, say, the Fightbait Anime Podcast? Anime world order? The TWIT network? Fast Karate, Geekson, The Instance and Major Spoilers?
    All cover geeky content, of the same types(Anime, Manga/comics, Videogames, Technology) in their own format, but still, Content that's from the same areas, stuff that's already been done before.
    For just one example, I remember at least one instance where Fast Karate and AWO covered the same show on episodes that came out within the same week, and you'd need about a week of constant listening to consume all the coverage of the larger cons - and that's just from the Mid-to-high popularity audio only podcasts, that lack a specific focus.

    What makes it different are the hosts, and the play, banter and chemistry between them, as well as their unique take on things.
    The subject matter in such a broad topic is nothing more than a hook that brings you in, if the hosts are bad, you'll still leave, no matter how much you love the subject matter, unless you have no other option. I mean, sure, there might only be two Podcasts for taking Warhammer Figures, putting them in funny poses and painting them with pretty pastel colours, but in a Topic as wide as Geekery, there are hundreds of competitors, covering the same stuff.
    To Have a Geeky show that covers things that are not covered by others, your only option would be to cover things that are not actually anything that geeks tend to like or enjoy.
    I honestly don't like having to watch reviews on the internet. I'd rather just listen to reviews while I multitask. That is just me speaking.
    A very valid point, I do the same thing - I only subscribe to two Video Podcasts, and I tend to watch them while I'm either on the bus, or have nothing else of importance to do - if you just listen to the audio, you miss half of the thing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I believe that's a trifle unfair.
    What makes it different are the hosts, and the play, banter and chemistry between them, as well as their unique take on things.
    You have a point. I honestly don't listen to a lot of the other podcasts out there. I also remember when Fast Karate and Greatest Movie Ever! did similar reviews on Total Recall and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie and they were both done well. I will retract my statement.

    We'll just have to see how things go.
  • I too think that you should change the name. There are a lot of things called "Geek Speek".
  • You have a point. I honestly don't listen to a lot of the other podcasts out there. I also remember when Fast Karate and Greatest Movie Ever! did similar reviews on Total Recall and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie and they were both done well. I will retract my statement.
    Thank you. I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh - and what you're refering to with Fast Karate and GME might be the thing I'm talking about - It was a while back, and my memory isn't as always sharp as I wish it was.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about the name. I think it's unlikely that the type of audience you're getting is going to be hugely effected by market confusion, and your area is primarily in video so I wouldn't be concerned with audio podcasts or internet groups that sound similar. And of course the best solution is to just make your show the one that all others are compared to; then they'll have to worry about their name. Putting your effort into the quality of your show will make a much bigger difference than whatever your name is. But if you really feel the need, you should rename it to "We Don't All Smell Bad". It's discernible, descriptive and sends out an important message to normal folk.
  • I too think that you should change the name. There are a lot of things called "Geek Speek".
    I will change the name, but I'm not so good at coming up with names. I came up with the name Geeksp33k not knowing anything else was called it nor did I make a search for it. But it's still in the beta stage, so I have plenty of time to tweak it up a bit. I'll say it again, I am bad at coming up with clever names, so if any of you would like to give a name that could work I'll be happy to use it and give you credit for coming up with the name on the pilot if you wish.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    Okay...after much preparation, retooling, and hard work, I have created the structure of the show and what will be contained in the pilot episode.

    Contents of Pilot
    Explanation of the Show and the Segments
    Anime Worth Watching: Laputa: Castle in the Sky -
    Manga For the Average Reader: Introduction to Osamu Tezuka (setup for future reviews of Tezuka's manga) -

    If anyone has any feedback, suggestions for future topics, or ideas to improve the show then send them to my email address which is on my profile
    Post edited by Geo on
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