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My problem with instant access.

edited August 2009 in Everything Else
I'm a little blue tonight as I've just found the last item on my unidentified nostalgia list. Basically I started a long running list containing things I remember liking from my childhood, but that I didn't have the name to. It was comprised mostly of music, movies and television shows. When I originally began the list, there was no Youtube, no Google, and the Internet was pretty bare. Tracking these items down was pretty difficult and usually resulted from circumstance, rather than an outward effort on my part. I managed to finish off the music portion of my list years ago without the benefit of Internet searching and the sense of accomplishment was huge.

So cut to today; my list had quickly shrunk in the past couple years due to Google-fu and I was down to my final piece. My memories were really vague on this movie and I was never able to come up with the requisite word combinations to find it in Google, until today in a moment of inspiration: 80s movie "arm computer".

It would be stupid not to use modern technology to find what I'm looking for, but it feels like I'm hunting deer with a bazooka. There's no sport in it. I've also managed to blow through my entire list when it could have taken me a greater portion of my life to do so. Now I'm left without anything to hunt for. Curse you, Internet!


  • edited August 2009
    This was mentioned a while back on the Anime World Order and what they came up with boiled down to the fact that, today, being able to find things with so little energy means you can put that energy into more useful activities, such as: being creative, sharing your pastime with others, etc.. and get the same or greater satisfaction while not performing a redundant task.

    If you still crave this activity specifically, in the same way that people still like to go hunting even with our advanced agriculture, feel free to.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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