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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited August 2010
    It's because he's a nazi socialist commie secret islamo-fascist.
    That's where they come from. Kenya's nickname is "The Cradle of Presidents Determined to Institute a New World Order Based on Religion But Not My Religion."
    Post edited by Jason on
  • It's because he's a nazi socialist commie secret islamo-fascist.
    Does he run as fast as KENYANS?
  • Just so Great Teacher MacRoss's head will explode: Fox news agrees with Obama
  • edited August 2010
    Just so Great Teacher MacRoss's head will explode:Fox news agrees with Obama
    *hurk!* /heart attack.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited August 2010
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited August 2010

    In response to your article:
    Kirsten Powers is a political analyst on Fox News and a writer for the New York Post.
    Granted, it is an opinion piece as well, but Beast is an aggregate site. Now, if you mean someone from Fox is comparing Obama to Bush in a negative way, granted, it's surprising. However while the revisionists are still out there trying to put a happy facade on the past administration, Fox has been doing this frequently. For example, they called the BP oil disaster "Obama's Katrina", implying that Bush screwed up during Katrina, reversing the mass defense they played way back when. I think Fox is slowly abandoning "Defend Bush at all costs" in favor of "Attack Obama's administration at all costs".
    Now, do I think this administration has been all unicorns and rainbows? Hardly. Criticism is warranted, but not from the journalisticly-retarded.
    Working for FOX does not invalidate your opinion anymore than working for any other network does. I thought ad hominems were beneath you?

    Kirsten Powers
    Kirsten A. Powers (born 1969) is an American columnist, blogger, pundit, and political commentator. Powers is a Democratic[1] political analyst on Fox News who appears regularly on shows such as The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News Sunday, and Special Report with Bret Baier. She is a regular guest host on the morning Fox News Radio show Brian and the Judge and a columnist for the New York Post. She is a regular guest host on Hannity and was rumored to be one of the top contenders to replace Alan Colmes when he left the Hannity & Colmes show in December, 2008.
    Powers formerly wrote a column for American Prospect Online.[2] Her articles have also appeared in USA Today, Elle, the New York Observer, Salon, and the Wall Street Journal.

    Powers has worked for the New York State Democratic Committee, was the press secretary for Andrew Cuomo for Governor and Communications Director on the mayoral campaign of C. Virginia Fields. She also worked on the "Vote No on 3" campaign which overwhelmingly defeated Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ballot initiative to eliminate party primaries. Powers was also the press secretary for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair race of Donnie Fowler. She has consulted for a variety of non-profit organizations including Human Rights First and the National Council for Research on Women (NCRW).
    Doesn't sound like a FOX News shill to me but I guess you are better at interpreting people's motives? Al Sharpton has been a regular on several FOX News shows, is he a right-winger now?

    What's not surprising is that your first response was an ad hominem.

    As for your article it was written by Max Blumenthal. While I'm not going to cast any aspersions on the man for his liberal beliefs the article (actually the epilogue to his latest book) in question fits with his previous writings and beliefs. There is nothing unusual at all in the words he has written. If that article had been written by a Conservative or a Republican it would have been an interesting source, but it was not.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • edited August 2010
    Working for FOX does not invalidate your opinion anymore than working for any other network does.
    Yes, it abso-god-damn-loutely does. Fox news is a prime example of misinformation, propaganda, and bad journalism. Their 'facts' are rarely, if ever, even close to accurate. How can anyone have a valid opinion when they KNOW their facts are bad?
    Doesn't sound like a FOX News shill to me but I guess you are better at interpreting people's motives?
    From Fox? Yeah, I'd say their motives are pretty clear.
    Al Sharpton has been a regular on several FOX News shows, is he a right-winger now?
    Al Sharpton likes the camera, ANY camera. If I had a camera and offered to interview him, he'd give me face time.

    What I will admit is that my 'surprising source' is not nearly as surprising as I thought. I was unaware of the author's left bias, despite the article appearing in a less left-leaning site. However, you can't deny that what he says is legitimate. There has been a very vocal, very racist/sexist/nationalist/bat-shit loco/revisionist ultra-conservative movement that has cropped up on the tails of the colossal failures of the past administration and the fact that we have a *gasp* black man as president. It reeks of fascism, and you'd have to be in pretty deep denial to say otherwise.

    If you read and understood my first post, which obviously you didn't and it doesn't surprise me in the least, you'd have seen I was unclear on how your article was at all surprising. If you were trying to make a sarcastic joke or post, you failed. Bashing Bush to take shots at Obama is not new or surprising from Fox. They are in a mode right of of trying to make Obama look like Bush by, essentially, making shit up and drawing lines attempting to make conclusions where no rational person would draw them.

    Why would they do such a thing? Well, so in the next presidential election they can show how much Bush and Obama are alike and tell everyone that's why they need a maverick to get all mavericky and maverick up to Washington to maverick up the place maverick maverick Palin maverick.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • making shit up and drawing lines where no rational person would draw them.
    Dunno what in the hell you're talking about Adam.
  • I thought ad hominems were beneath you?
    I don't think you know what an ad hominem is...
  • edited August 2010
    I thought ad hominems were beneath you?
    I don't think you know what an ad hominem is...
    Steve's go-to is ad hominem. You're right in that I wasn't making one. I didn't say her opinion is bad because she's a doodyheadboogerface. I said her opinion is worthless because she works for an organization that is known for being very inaccurate and having a very specific agenda and for either being willfully ignorant or lying outright. It's like saying "Oh, well, even though that guy writes stories for Weekly World News, doesn't mean he isn't credible with his story about the Ape working for the Lakers."
    Plus, it's only a fallacy if it's not true.
    To sum up:
    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited August 2010
    Correct: Fox News is a bad source of information.
    Incorrect: Fox News anchors are incestuous drunks.

    Learn the difference. Ad hominem is "to the man," not "to the credibility."
    Post edited by Jason on
  • So there's no problem then, is there?
    Seems that way.
  • edited August 2010
    So there's no problem then, is there?
    He corrected it to be a Shinto shrine, but still, he's just as stupid.

    This whole thing is completely mind-boggling to me. You can dislike the fuck out of the idea of building an Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero - you're allowed to be a racist ass in this country - but what do people actually expect the government to do? The city already approved it and the federal government is specifically prohibited from stepping in.

    This country was founded, in part, on the concept of granting its citizens the freedom to practice whatever fucking religion they want without interference from the government. It's in that Constitution thingy that these right-wingers seem to worship so much, and yet once that same document allows someone to do something you don't like, you get up in arms and want that stopped. Freedom for me but not you. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

    I give up.

    EDIT: The worst part is that some Republicans are planning to turn this into a midterm elections issue. I am not looking forward to watching the upcoming debates. The mere prospect makes me incredibly sad and angry at the same time.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited August 2010
    Your religion ok (on paper), our religion better!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • He corrected it to be a Shinto shrine, but still, he's just as stupid.
    Especially because - And I'm only going from memory here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken - There are at least three Shinto Shrines in and around the Pearl Harbor area.
  • I wonder if there have been any Christian churches built anywhere near that Oklahoma federal building lately.
  • I think there are only two, and they're a few miles away, but yes, the point still stands.

    There's also already a mosque 4 blocks away from Ground Zero. People are just being dumbasses.
  • This will be remembered as a dark time of religious hatred in our country.
  • *rubs chin* So does being a Zen Buddhist Republican make me an anomaly?
  • *rubs chin* So does being a Zen Buddhist Republican make me an anomaly?
    Well, your philosophy tells you not to eat meat or support war, so I'd say yes, but cheers to ya. I've thought about converting to Buddhism far too often to begrudge anyone who takes that path.
  • This will be remembered as a dark time of religious hatred in our country.
    That suggests there was a bright time for religious hatred?
  • It's just like building a Catholic church next to a playground.
  • It's just like building a Catholic church next to a playground.
    You win. :P
  • It's just like building a Catholic church next to a playground.
    I enjoyed this post.
  • It's just like building a Catholic church next to a playground.
    I enjoyed this post.
    Me too.
  • I enjoyed this post.
    The credit's not mine, but The Daily Show's.
  • Sarah Palin on twitter:
    Will Obama express US lingering pain& ask Muslims for tolerance by discouraging 9/11 mosque while he celebrates Islamic holy month tonight?
    Sweet Zombie Jesus. Also, she apparently has taken it up to call it the "9/11 mosque" which is really nothing short of perverse.
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