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As a valued member of our influencer network, we wanted to check with you and see whether you have any writers in the San Francisco Bay Area who’d like to join EA’s Need For Speed Shift press event. This hands-on demo event, which is exclusive to the top gaming, geek, and automotive media, offers the first glimpses of Need For Speed Shift to a very small, hand-selected group of influential site editors and media. You’ll have the opportunity to play the game, ask questions to developers & EA staff, and interact with your fellow gamers from the Bay Area!All I would need from the person who goes is an article for Otherwise you would be free to post that same article wherever you want.
I’m excited to also be able to offer you one extra spot, so you can bring one of your readers from the Bay Area along. You can do it however you’d like – Site/Twitter giveaway, reward your favorite supporter – you choose! Again, this exclusive event is only open to a small group of sites within the Bay Area. Pls respond ASAP so I can lock down a spot for your site and lemme know if you have any questions.
They do not exercise any editorial control and I have not suffered any adverse effects from publishing negative game reviews.