Thanks man! And don't forget, of course, about Neito on the same day, and of course the Father of FNPL, The Mighty Thaed on the 13th. Both top-quality dudes, and Happy Birthday to both!
May fuckin' 12th. I called this one my half dead day. I turned 35 and no man on my fathers side has lived past 70 in over 2 generations. We are succeeding in reducing our clans lifespans for the rest of you.
A double borhday shot to Nate and Churba, cheers to the both of you.
A birthday cake should be one ounce vodka, one ounce chocolate liqueur, one-and-a-quarter half-and-half, shake with ice and pour into either a martini glass rimmed with hundreds and thousands, or multiple shot glasses.
Omae wa mo genki de iru.
You're welcome.
Thanks man.