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Unity Indie is now free!

edited November 2009 in Everything Else
For you dudes who want a decent game engine to play with, Unity Indie Version is now 100 percent free. If cost was the only thing preventing you from developing a game, this is a good way to go. I work with Unity and I highly recommend it as a beginning platform for 3d games. Check it out!

Also, Guns of Icarus is out today. Tell me what you think!


  • I can't believe no one's commented on this Gomidog! I'm so happy it's gone free! Unity really is a good engine. I'm hoping for an explosion in awesome indie game awesomeness!
  • Yes, you understand my joy as a developer! Yay! Wai!

    Apparently, they had a rush of 6900 downloads the night they announced it.
    I can't wait to see what you do with it!
  • I love the game Emily, great job. I've always been impressed with the Unity engine before Guns of Icarus came out, but the fact that there is an engine that uses your browser to play fully rendered 3D games and has no problem with lagging or any other similar problems astounds me.
  • I played a bit, the game looks great but until it has a inverted mouse I am going to completely suck at it ^_^
  • I love the game Emily, great job. I've always been impressed with the Unity engine before Guns of Icarus came out, but the fact that there is an engine that uses your browser to play fully rendered 3D games and has no problem with lagging or any other similar problems astounds me.
    There is always Torque.
  • Last I checked, InstantAction (the Torque web solution) requires a seperate browser plugin for every game. This is because it's basically a wrapper around an arbitrary executable. I think you can understand why this might be a less than ideal solution.

    Also, Scott: check the options screen. I put it there just for you.
  • Oh awesome, I did much better when I could aim ^_^
  • The game is quite fun and pretty unique. I can't say I've ever played anything exactly like it. Great job, guys.
  • Also, Scott: check the options screen. I put it there just for you.
    Rym is the one who cares.
  • Also, Scott: check the options screen. I put it there just for you.
    Rym is the one who cares.
    I think he was addressing Scott Johnson.
  • ScoJo wanted inverted mouse, too.
  • Rym and I are uber l33t FPS players who play the way you should, inverted. Get with the program.
  • Rym and I are uber l33t FPS players who play the way you should, inverted. Get with the program.
    We're older school than you kids. ^_~ Inverted used to be the default.
  • I invert only when riding in a vehicle.
  • I invert only when riding in a vehicle.
    It's the same view and the same interface, so why the arbitrary distinction? Does a mech suit count as a vehicle? How about a GUNDAM? Does it have to be bipedal for you to use a non-inverted mouse? What about the four-legged Skulk? How did you fly a Shrike in Tribes?
  • It's the same view and the same interface, so why the arbitrary distinction? Does a mech suit count as a vehicle? How about a GUNDAM? Does it have to be bipedal for you to use a non-inverted mouse? What about the four-legged Skulk? How did you fly a Shrike in Tribes?
    Mech suit, Gundam and Skulk do not invert. Shrike inverts.
  • Mech suit, Gundam and Skulk do not invert. Shrike inverts.
    What about a VF-1? Would you have to switch between inverted and not? What about in Gerwalk?
  • What about a VF-1? Would you have to switch between inverted and not? What about in Gerwalk?
    I've figured it out.

    In battroid mode, movement and aiming are independent. Vertical movement is done with a button, and has no relation to vertical aim. Thus, no inversion of y-axis.

    In gerwalk mode, it flies like a plane, therefore the Y-axis must be inverted for movement. However, aiming and firing is still independent, so the aiming y-axis must remain non-inverted.

    In fighter jet mode, it is a plane, therefore aiming and vertical movement are the same exact thing. Therefore, both y-axis must be inverted, because they are the same y-axis.
  • I'm going to have a go at making a game in Unity. I wouldn't mind some help if anyone's interested?
  • Didn't know where else to put this but congrats to the Muse folks for getting mentioned on Kotaku!
  • Yup, they interviewed the director this morning.
  • Oh lord, now I'm going to have to start up my giant robot game project again. Anybody good at 3d modelling?
  • Yes, but I'm busy with jobs. Sorry! (^_^)
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