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edited November 2009 in Everything Else
Hooray! The New York Yankees won the World Series for the first time in nine years! Boo! The subway is full of douchebags going to the parade this morning.

It's crazy downtown because of the ticker-tape parade. I'm glad Matsui got MVP, though. I'm a fan of 55 and his curry.


  • The subway is full of douchebags going to the parade this morning.
    My morning train was full of 'em too. Loud, annoying, and some of them obviously drunk at 5:30am! Sigh...
  • As someone who does not care a lick about professional sports, I am still sad to see the Phillies lose :-p
  • Poor Phillies. :'(
  • I don't care that much about baseball. It's simply not my sport. But I do know one thing: Fuck the Yankees!
  • I don't care that much about baseball. It's simply not my sport. But I do know one thing: Fuck the Yankees!
    Why? Either you care or you don't.
  • Why? Either you care or you don't.
    I couldn't care less about any sport where people don't kick each other, but even I know fuck the Yankees.
  • As a New Englander and former resident of Boston, despite the fact that I have no real interest in non-motor-sports, I must express my required hatred of the Yankess and profess my love of the Red Sox.


    That is all. Please continue.
  • I don't care that much about baseball. It's simply not my sport. But I do know one thing: Fuck the Yankees!
    Why? Either you care or you don't.
    One of the reasons.
  • Paying the best players more than anyone else can to play for you is within the rules of baseball. Can you fault the Yankees for doing everything possible to win?
  • edited November 2009
    Paying the best players more than anyone else can to play for you is within the rules of baseball. Can you fault the Yankees for doing everything possible to win?
    I don't fault them. But that doesn't mean it's something to like. It's really the system that's wrong here, but more or less outbuying the opposition is also nothing that deserves respect in my opinion.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • more or less outbuying the opposition is also nothing that deserves respect in my opinion.
    I think doing anything less in their position wouldn't be worthy of respect. The object of baseball isn't to win the World Series while staying under some arbitrary salary cap. The object of baseball is to win the World Series.

    Think of it this way: would you want your team to only kind of try to win?
  • Dude, I just said it's the system that's wrong here. However, more or less beating other teams and being in competition because you can outspend the opposition is not something I respect, neither in baseball nor in soccer. What I respect in sports is making smart trades and raising homegrown talent.
  • People were running around in the quad outside my dorm room yelling "YANKEES! YANKEES!" immediately after the game ended. I didn't even know the game had happened until CNN sent me a "BREAKING NEWS" email 15 minutes later.
  • As a New Englander and former resident of Boston, despite the fact that I have no real interest in non-motor-sports, I must express my required hatred of the Yankess and profess my love of the Red Sox.


    That is all. Please continue.
    I retract my statement in the Fail of the Thread, I think you all are great now (changing moods quickly there's something new). Fuck the Yankees.
  • edited November 2009
    We love you too, YupaMatt.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    We love you too,YupaMatt.
    :P and :)
    Post edited by Geo on
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