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edited November 2009 in Everything Else
Seeing as yesterday was Bonfire Night and what seems like three tonnes of sky candy was fire over my house and I am spending all night on Alexandra Palace's hill to watch them, I was wondering if any of you guys have had any interesting experiences with fireworks


  • I like them. I was sad that I missed them on 4th of July this year because I was really tired and started sleeping the moment I got home from work until about 11pm.
  • I liked them when I was little and they can still be fun as an event with friends, but they do not hold my interest for long of there aren't friends around to chat with.
  • My next door neighboor would always do fireworks shows until a few years ago. Not really sure why, but now fireworks are kind of annoying. Because my parents house is in a suburbian area full of wood/trees, people are always setting off fireworks and you never know who the hell it is.
  • When I was growing up, fireworks were a big deal on our street during the 4th, but being around a lot of stupid, pyromaniac kids ruined the fun for me more often than not. So, aside from setting up tanks to fire at each other, I never found much fun in it. The only time fireworks really impress me are the shows that Disney puts on at their parks. Because of those, if your firework show isn't coordinated to a theme or music, I'm not impressed.
  • I still love them and look forward to the big display back home.

    My uncle would get good ones from the south. He once lit one and it backfired shot into to crowd sitting by the house. Luckily, no one was hurt and it was funny for years to come.

    Another time some friends and I were setting off roman candles. It was set up and then it fell towards us. All I heard was an 'Oh shit' as it whizzed so close to me. Scary.

    My boyfriend is a maniac for this stuff and we have a collection at home. If we set them off tomorrow for the party it will be interesting.
  • I enjoy fireworks. The family members on my dad's side are nuts about them, so I've had constant exposure for a while. It's a pity that I live on a hill, where fireworks can act as a beacon for every cop in the area.
    Also, relevant:
  • I've never cared much for big professional fireworks displays, but lighting off fireworks yourself, with friends and/or family, is a lot of fun. Shame it's illegal in almost every city around here. Everyone still does it, though.
  • Most fireworks shows are dead to me after seeing these:

    It's a damn shame that they're gone and that the show it was replaced with doesn't even hold a candle to it.
  • edited November 2009
    Fireworks are one of the only reasons living in Alabama is awesome. There are absolutely no restrictions, and there's a store that basically a fucking warehouse of fireworks 10 miles down the road.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited November 2009
    As I mentioned in the Things of your day thread, I'm quite fond of explosions - Though, admittedly, the subject of that particular post, I made a small miscalculation on the amount of power I needed to get a half-kilo rocket into the air, So instead of 150 feet in the air, it only went about two and I damn near blew myself up.
    As my Radio Co-host noted, it seems I'm destined to go out with a bang.

    Also, the other night, chavs were letting off little store-bought fireworks nearby, and I couldn't sleep for the noise. So, I set off one of my home-made 0.3 kilo high-altitude mid-star load rocket than went off like the splitting of the heavens, after which, there was only about three more rockets, and then they stopped entirely. Victory - Churba.

    Also, one of my smaller home-mades (.02 kilo gold high-star load) going off on guy fawkes last year.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I went to see the big 4th of July fireworks show in NYC this year. To be honest, I was disappointed. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger show, but I've seen better shows. Cause basically it was just the same small show repeated a bunch of times down the river.

    Me and my friends also had a good time this summer lighting off fireworks at the beach. It was the first time all of us were 18 so it made getting fireworks super easy.
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