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Deep Fried Pizza

edited August 2006 in Everything Else
You probably want to listen to the episode of the show about this. You can also view the Flickr set.

For a bit of backstory:

We, GeekNights and the Front Row Crew, were in the midst of our annual "Week of Awesome." This typically spans Otakon and the following week, and usually entails much revelry in Wildwood, NJ. Wildwood has a massive boardwalk filled with all of the assorted mayhem and schlock one would expect from a Jersey boardwalk: not exactly the place your average geek would feel at home.

Emboldened by our other successful boardwalk hack, we decided to take it one step further. Peter, ever the stalwart champion of all things awesome, stepped up to the plate and decided to wage war against his own gastrointestinal system. With neither fear nor hesitation, he purchased and consumed deep fried pepperoni pizza.

It began with a simple inquiry. He asked the employees of one of the myriad "deep fried something" places if they would be willing to batter and fry any food item he brought to them. They were more than willing to accept the challenge.

He then immediately went to the next door pizzeria, purchasing a single slice of pepperoni pizza.

The man who sold it to him was not quite sure if our plan was a wise one.

Undaunted, he returned to the deep fryer, pizza in hand.

After a short bit of haggling, they accepted the pizza and began their preparations.

They had to slice it into pieces in order to fully fry it.

Peter looked on with noble spirit as the duo dutifully prepared the slice: battering it in funnel cake, deep frying it in oil, and finally topping it with powdered sugar.

Finally, they present their work.

Pete accepts it.

He prepares for this critical juncture...

And takes a bite.

The initial reaction.

I don't think he's going to make it.

He takes another bite!

Scott found it surprisingly non-poisonous.

Alex excitedly attempts a piece.

The excitement perishes.

Scott Johnson enjoys it.

Rym does not.

Nor does Lisa.

The group rejoices in victory by means of not dying.


The pizza. It tasted mostly like a sugary hot-pocket.

The Fry Guys are gracious.

Pete did not die, though his stomach was somewhat unhappy afterward.

Next year, we're thinking deep fried cheese fry pizza.


  • edited August 2006
    Wait next year, it was something far more horrible. but I won't reveal it here..

    Anyhow, as for the fried Pizza, it's a werid food. Initial tastes do not reveal a good favor but like any heavyily fried food, the second bite is generally better and of course it takes two bites to even be able to identify the pizza. It doesn't help that we picked one of the worst places to get pizza (it was a diner not a Pizza joint). Quality Pizza might give it a more distinct taste. However, you only need to eat a small piece of the fried pizza to have your fill of it.

    One wonders exactly how many calories were in that slice of Pizza in the end....
    Post edited by Cremlian on

    That's the nutritional info for funnel cakes from the Funnel Cake Company. It's not accurate for every funnel cake everywhere, but that at least gives you the idea: 400 calories for one cake.

    A typical slice of pepperoni pizza is anywhere from 300 to 350 calories, so the slice overall was probably in the 700 - 750 calorie range; essentially, it was like eating two slices of pizza.

    However, it had a hojillion points on the "dumb shit" scale. Next year, though, I think I'm definitely going with the deep-fried burger idea. Possibly, it will be served on donuts - I've yet to decide.
  • Deep fried grilled cheese, now that would be awesome.
  • This reminded me of the episode of "King of the Hill" where Boomhauer and Bill got a deep fryer. Everything went well until they started to deep fry anything they got their hands on. Do you know what it ended in? Horrible, horrible fire.
  • edited August 2006 is Pete doing right now? Still alive? Zombie-fied yet?
    Post edited by baltmatrix on
  • edited August 2006 is Pete doing right now? Still alive? Zombie-fied yet?
    Graaiiiiiiiiins. Graiiiiiiiins.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I wonder how a pretzel would taste deep fried. Since you'd get the sweetness of the batter and powdered suger, and then the savory of the salt on the pretzel.
  • Now a deep fried pretzel in funnel cake batter I have had. It was indeed very meh.
  • We've got deep fried Mars Bars here, well in Queensland which is a crazy place anyway.
  • Deep fried pizza, once again proves that in America, we're willing to deep fry anything, ANYTHING!
  • I thought that was the English.
  • dude isn't deep fried pizza like a big food item in Scotland?
  • Two years ago, there was a booth at a fair that sold deep fried mac and cheese balls. It was pretty good. :-d

    Scott I think you've been confusing Kate's story.
  • There's a place in Brooklyn that will deep fry an Atkins Diet bar....with extra sugar on request. :-)
  • There's a place in Brooklyn that will deep fry an Atkins Diet bar....with extra sugar on request. :-)
    That Brooklyn restaurant is the Chip Shop. They basically invented the deep fried candy bar.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2008
    Wait next year, it was something far more horrible. but I won't reveal it here..

    Anyhow, as for the fried Pizza, it's a werid food. Initial tastes do not reveal a good favor but like any heavyily fried food, the second bite is generally better and of course it takes two bites to even be able to identify the pizza. It doesn't help that we picked one of the worst places to get pizza (it was a diner not a Pizza joint). Quality Pizza might give it a more distinct taste. However, you only need to eat a small piece of the fried pizza to have your fill of it.

    One wonders exactly how many calories were in that slice of Pizza in the end....
    It's not as terrible as fried oreos, yuck.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited January 2008
    There is a shop near my house that deep fries ice cream. It's awesome.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Deep Fried Bacon Double Quarter Pounder
    Deep Fried Coke
    A place that purposely sells Deep Fried pizza.

    Also...why would you deep fry something like pizza in cake batter and sprinkle powdered sugar on it? You've gotta beer batter normal food items and serve it sans powdered sugar. Think fish fry style rather than funnel cake. mmmmm.
  • It's not as terrible as fried oreos, yuck.
    What's wrong with you? Deep fried oreos are amazingly delicious.

  • image
    Scott found it surprisingly non-poisonous.
    I love how everyone has these "blargh" type reaction faces, and Scott just sits there, as if saying "Yep. This is fried pizza."
  • I love how everyone has these "blargh" type reaction faces, and Scott just sits there, as if saying "Yep. This is fried pizza."
    I've said it before. It tastes like a Hot Pocket.
  • You guys need to try out the Tornado Potato when you are in Wildwood this year. It's supposed to be a whole potato that is turned into one huge curly french fry on a stick. Tornado Potato
  • Yea I noticed this "trendy" food down there a couple of weeks ago, I'll probably try it during the week of awesome.
  • I heard about it on NPR. The snack originated from South Korea. Try the schmutz flavor if you see that they offer it. Not kidding, the vendor on NPR says it's one of their most popular flavors. I'm curious what schmutz taste like. :)
  • You guys need to try out the Tornado Potato when you are in Wildwood this year. It's supposed to be a whole potato that is turned into one huge curly french fry on a stick.Tornado Potato
    My taste-buds are fiddling as my arteries burn.
  • My taste-buds are fiddling as my arteries burn.
    Tornado Potato: It's like folk metal in your mouth.
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