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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Please wait more than a couple weeks after a movie came about before you call it influential. Besides, I'm willing to bet that The Avengers does not get a single Oscar nomination.
  • Prometheus is going to be objectively bad.

    and you are only going to like it because of references to Aliens, if it was Muppets it would be just as.... WAY MORE AWESOME!
    Yeah, but everything is better with muppets. Avatar with muppets would have been amazing.

    And imagine Animal as the Hulk tossing around Loki - as played by Fozzie.

    Muppet everything.

  • edited May 2012
    @Lyddi People shouldn't hate Twilight for deviating from tradition. They should hate, but not for that. People should deviate from tradition, or nothing will change. Sure it's a little stupid, but better encourage non-traditional failure than mundane success.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yeah, Twilight is not bad because of the vampires. Heck, the vampires are easily Twilight's best stuff; it's actually a pretty badass update of the mythical creature to match modern technology, and the worldbuilding and characterization of most non-Bella characters in Twilight is pretty solid. Twlight is bad, but it's bad because of it's creeptastic themes, totally limp and useless protagonist who reduces everyone around her to her level of uselessness, and terrible writing quality.
  • edited May 2012
    @Lyddi People shouldn't hate Twilight for deviating from tradition. They should hate, but not for that. People should deviate from tradition, or nothing will change. Sure it's a little stupid, but better encourage non-traditional failure than mundane success.
    Yeah I know, about vampires being different. Anne Rice vamps deviated from the norm as well (no superstitious stuff like crosses, garlic, and the like). If only the Twilight vamps were different in a cool way, other than being sparkly instead of burning. ;) (I get what you're saying, I just can't stop posting in this thread today... whyyyyy...)
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • Dude, they actually are kinda cool in a non-traditional way. Your average vampire in Twilight is a kind of half-feral nomadic serial killer who can outrun cars, live comfortably at the bottom of the ocean, and has essentially none of the traditional vampire limitations. The only reason they don't just freak out and murder folks dozens at a time is because they are ruled over by a mafia of ancient roman vampires who prefer to maintain secrecy so they can continue to be the secret rulers of the underworld. Vampire attacks in this universe aren't two little fangmarks; they fucking tear dudes apart to get at every drop of blood in them. And even the "tame" vampires track down and kill wolves and shit every couple of weeks. At one point, Edward was vampire Batman.

    You are barking up the wrong tree in terms of badness for Twilight. Again, it is awful, more awful than you imagine, but not for the reasons you think.
  • ... I withdraw that one comment I made about Twi-vamps then. I guess I don't know that much about Twilight... o_o;
  • I havn't seen a bit of twilight, but what I've taken away is that it should be hated for its message, "romance", and don't forget about sparkling.
  • edited May 2012
    This has become an epic thread.

    It could be very influential on other threads in my objective opinion :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • This has become an epic thread.
    The goal is to make as many epic threads as possible. That's what makes an epic forum.
  • edited May 2012
    This has become an epic thread.

    It could be very influential on other threads in my objective opinion :-p
    Nah. I mean, it's ok, I enjoyed it, but I definitely wouldn't call it "epic."

    I'd be willing to bet we all will have forgotten about it in six months.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • This has become an epic thread.

    It could be very influential on other threads in my objective opinion :-p
    Nah. I mean, it's ok, I enjoyed it, but I definitely wouldn't call it "epic."

    I'd be willing to bet we all will have forgotten about it in six months.
    I mean really - the score leaves a lot to be desired.

  • edited May 2012
    Can we just get another Teen Titans series? Silly like the first one, serious like the comics, I don't care. I just want to see Raven and Billy West's Kid Flash in animation again.
    Hell yeah, that'd be pretty sweet. Young Justice is okay, but it's no Teen Titans.
    Dude, they actually are kinda cool in a non-traditional way.
    They're basically super-powered diamond-studded granite golems, capable of independent thought and emotion, than run on explosive oil strained out of blood, and are incredibly hard to damage.

    No matter how you look at the rest of the book, the vampires themselves? Pretty fucking awesome.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • In a sense, yeah, but their potential is completely ignored.

    Also, the werewolves in the book? Just shapeshifters. They don't have "were" forms, they just turn into wolves.
  • In a sense, yeah, but their potential is completely ignored.

    Also, the werewolves in the book? Just shapeshifters. They don't have "were" forms, they just turn into wolves.
    The less awesome part is that some of them also turn into pedophiles.

  • The trailers for Drive make it look like either another Fast and the Furious movie or Transporter minus Jason Statham.

    Do not trust the trailers. It's amazing, but I really don't want to tell you what it is actually about, because it's super spoilerish.
    I watched Drive and you were right, it was amazing.

    Wow there have been a lot of posts, is this an argument stemmed from how people cannot separate the quality of something from how enjoyable it is? I have not read most of the posts.
  • edited May 2012
    In a sense, yeah, but their potential is completely ignored.

    Also, the werewolves in the book? Just shapeshifters. They don't have "were" forms, they just turn into wolves.
    The less awesome part is that some of them also turn into pedophiles.

    But it's cool, because he'll "be whatever she needs him to be at that exact moment." So he's "just a friend when she's a kid," and then moves on to hot, panting werebeastiality when she's old enough.

    The parts in quotes are literally how Travel Bitch tried to justify this to me when I made a critical comment about this part of Twilight. She is a 20-year-old woman planning to go to med school. Fuck the world.
    Wow there have been a lot of posts, is this an argument stemmed from how people cannot separate the quality of something from how enjoyable it is? I have not read most of the posts.
    Let sleeping dogs lie, Canine.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • But it's cool, because he'll "be whatever she needs him to be at that exact moment." So he's "just a friend when she's a kid," and then moves on to hot, panting werebeastiality when she's old enough.

    The parts in quotes are literally how Travel Bitch tried to justify this to me when I made a critical comment about this part of Twilight. She is a 20-year-old woman planning to go to med school. Fuck the world.
    To be fair, she's signed up for med school, not to be a literary critic or otherwise useful in any area but medicine.

    Also, she'll probably flunk out anyway.
  • But it's cool, because he'll "be whatever she needs him to be at that exact moment." So he's "just a friend when she's a kid," and then moves on to hot, panting werebeastiality when she's old enough.

    The parts in quotes are literally how Travel Bitch tried to justify this to me when I made a critical comment about this part of Twilight. She is a 20-year-old woman planning to go to med school. Fuck the world.
    To be fair, she's signed up for med school, not to be a literary critic or otherwise useful in any area but medicine.

    Also, she'll probably flunk out anyway.
    1) My point is that you can't be that radically ignorant and expect to be a good doctor. Good doctors are well-rounded folk who understand basic social concepts, especially delicate matters of sexuality.

    2) God, I hope so. The other day at dinner I mentioned my plans to go to journalism school, and the other guy in our group said that if something else caught his fancy, he might not be an MD either. She went "Well, at least I'm going to med school and nowhere else," and subtly implied we were quitters or somehow less dedicated or driven than her. That is something that the Princess in our group has still not outright done, despite subtle implications about what she thinks about gap years.

    So yeah, fuck that girl. I don't think she can hack it, anyway.
  • edited May 2012

    Also, Rym, you're right. I am basically saying I don't want to talk about it, because talking about it involves being really judgmental and rude, which tends to be a pathway to egotism and arrogance.
    Are you suffering from temporary amnesia or do you forget to whom you are speaking to?

    Don't be such a jerk, especially after he bought you fried chicken and ramune out of the kindness of his heart. What you just said is judgemental and rude.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2012
    Seconded - Rym can - like all of us of us - certainly be arrogant, judgmental, rude, whathaveyou at times, but he is not any of those things as any sort of intrinsic property or fundamental part of his personality.
    1) My point is that you can't be that radically ignorant and expect to be a good doctor. Good doctors are well-rounded folk who understand basic social concepts, especially delicate matters of sexuality.

    2) God, I hope so. The other day at dinner I mentioned my plans to go to journalism school, and the other guy in our group said that if something else caught his fancy, he might not be an MD either. She went "Well, at least I'm going to med school and nowhere else," and subtly implied we were quitters or somehow less dedicated or driven than her. That is something that the Princess in our group has still not outright done, despite subtle implications about what she thinks about gap years.

    So yeah, fuck that girl. I don't think she can hack it, anyway.
    Well, yeah, you can't be radically ignorant and expect to be a good doctor - but she's barely on the path yet, that may improve, to be fair to her.

    2)If she doesn't flunk out, I don't think she'll leave. I think she's going to med school for the sake of going to med school, because she sees it as a prestigious thing to do, not out of any desire to really become a doctor, or to help people.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Don't be such a jerk, especially after he bought you fried chicken and ramune out of the kindness of his heart. What you just said is judgemental and rude.
    [ ] Told
    [ ] Untold
    [X] Gomitold

  • Thirded. Rule One of Debate as I learned in Model UN: In a debate, you're not necessarily conversing with the same person you get drinks with later. And you definitely shouldn't assume that if he's buying your pints, mate.

    I really appreciate both Rym and Scott, and I think we'd get along famously in person; I think we're all just very strong personalities with very staunchly held opinions. I know they're both really cool guys (and I know Rym is not a "patronizing fuck," that was a bit abrasive of me) so don't take my vitriolic rebuttals and jokes to be some angry slight against their characters. I just get wound up easily...especially during exam periods.
  • Just want to say, I see a lot of people who bow out or opt out of debates or arguments and the Internet or in real life. There are various reasons. People who avoid conflict because it makes them uncomfortable, people know they are wrong, people don't want to be rude, cowardice, inability to emotionally detach from the discussion, etc.

    Whatever the reason is, there is one thing that matters. If you opt to shut up, you lose. You can't not participate and also be right. Whatever reason you have for running away, you must accept that you are simultaneously admitting defeat.

    Look at, for example, Floyd Mayweather Jr., the boxer, refusing to fight Manny Pacquiao. You might think that since they do not fight, we really don't know who is better, or who would win. The reality is that it doesn't matter who would win. Manny is willing to fight. Mayweather is the one who refuses for whatever excuse he can come up with. Whatever his actual reason, probably cowardice, he is admitting defeat.

    If you forfeit, even before the game starts, it goes down on your record as an L.
  • From what I understand, Mayweather refuses to fight with Pacquiao because Manny refuses random blood and urine tests up until the fight day. Sounds like Pacquiao is the coward.
  • edited May 2012
    Dude, I made my point, there were no more points left to make. Rym and I feel differently about two movies, that isn't surprising, we can get over that and carry on. I don't count that as an L, just a discussion well-had.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    I mostly just avoid it when I can see it getting stupid, someone has said something extraordinarily stupid to open, and I can foresee either no entertainment in getting into it, or I wouldn't provide any additional utility. For example, the last argument I bowed out of. You'll find it on page 77 of this thread.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2012
    From what I understand, Mayweather refuses to fight with Pacquiao because Manny refuses random blood and urine tests up until the fight day. Sounds like Pacquiao is the coward.
    I heard he eventually agreed to that and has since changed excuses to something else. Either way, I just needed an example of a quitter. I don't really care who it is.
    Dude, I made my point, there were no more points left to make. Rym and I feel differently about two movies, that isn't surprising, we can get over that and carry on. I don't count that as an L, just a discussion well-had.
    Well there is this one thing about arguing. Unlike a sport, there isn't always a clear ending condition. There's a difference between quitting early and knowing when it's over.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I heard he eventually agreed to that and has since changed excuses to something else. Either way, I just needed an example of a quitter. I don't really care who it is.
    That was revealed to be a lie from the Pacquio camp a year later.

  • I heard he eventually agreed to that and has since changed excuses to something else. Either way, I just needed an example of a quitter. I don't really care who it is.
    That was revealed to be a lie from the Pacquio camp a year later.

    Well, either way, someone's a coward who loses automatically. They've just done a really good job of keeping us guessing which one of them it is.
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