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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Prometheus was a train wreck. People have been comparing it to Phantom Menace but at least Phantom Menace has an original plot that is actually coherant and has direction. Prometheus was 50% homages to the original Alien film, and 50% half-written "Roots of Human Civilization" story. It has two conflicting plots rather than one.
    I could take you seriously if you hadn't said that Phantom Menace is "coherant [sic] and has direction."

    On the subject of both TPM and Prometheus, did we watch the same films?
    I'm sure we did. The Phantom Menace has a main plot (Naboo, invasion, Queen etc) and a subplot (Anakin, Chosen one etc) that don't conflict with eachother and are both resolved for the purposes of the first film. Prometheus has 2 plot lines playing tug of war.

  • Snow White and the Huntsman was seriously the coolest shit. It was like a perfect combination of the cool 1980-ish fantasy adventures and influence from the Lord of the Rings, and the art direction was flawless.
  • I wasn't that impressed with it as a movie, but as you said, the art direction, sets, etc. were great. That and Nick Frost as a surprise dwarf was great.
  • Just saw Prometheus in 3D. I felt the extra D was worth it. Gave some amazing depth to the sets, especially within the Prometheus itself. I still think people look "odd" though. Like cut outs...

    The movie was just a bit of fun, I never felt it took itself too seriously, they break almost every rule of alien contact from the opening encounter, so really, just go and behold what a modern day sci-fi can do. The special effects are nothing short of STUNNING.

    When are we getting those damn holographic monitors, I NEED one.
  • Wikipedia says Prometheus was shot with 3D cameras, so I'd expect it to look a lot better than films like The Avengers where it was manually converted in post-production.
  • Wikipedia says Prometheus was shot with 3D cameras, so I'd expect it to look a lot better than films like The Avengers where it was manually converted in post-production.
    If that's true then I'm kinda sad that I saw it in 2D.

  • Battle Royale was great.

    MIB3 was great.

    THX 1138 was neat.
  • You'd never seen Battle Royale before, Jeremy? Well I guess we can officially be friends now.
  • You'd never seen Battle Royale before, Jeremy? Well I guess we can officially be friends now.
    I've finally made it!
  • Prometheus was certainly shot in 3D.

    I'm sure the 2D version is just fine, but WOW, does it add a sense of depth to the space craft and the alien environments. Worth putting up with silly glasses for sure.
  • Well, I'm seeing Alien: Part Umpteen at midnight. I will report on it as well.
  • edited June 2012
    Saw Prometheus. The comparisons to Phantom Menace were apt, in that I didn't really care about the characters, the plot didn't know what it was doing, and the visuals were pretty impressive. But really, there were parts of that movie where I was fucking bored. And when I wasn't bored, I was raging at how badly they ignored whatever science consultants they had for the sake of I don't know, looking cool or something.

    EDIT: The movie also suffered from having one piece of music. It was a good theme, but still.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Saw Prometheus. The comparisons to Phantom Menace were apt, in that I didn't really care about the characters, the plot didn't know what it was doing
    Which part of Phantom Menace's plot was incoherant? I'm not saying TPM doesn't have problems but I really don't see any real similarity in the flaws between the two films. I only ask because a lot of people are making the comparison.
  • Just watch this review. Be sure to watch the other parts, too.

  • Just watch this review. Be sure to watch the other parts, too.
    I love the Star Wars Plinkett reviews but I always just skip the off puttig metanarrative bits.

    Their weekly show Half in the Bag is also great, but suffers the exact same metanarrative weaknesses as this Plinkett reviews.

  • I agree. I appreciate the Plinkett delivery, however. The timing is impeccable.
  • Saw Prometheus. The comparisons to Phantom Menace were apt, in that I didn't really care about the characters, the plot didn't know what it was doing
    Which part of Phantom Menace's plot was incoherent? I'm not saying TPM doesn't have problems but I really don't see any real similarity in the flaws between the two films. I only ask because a lot of people are making the comparison.
    The problems with the plot isn't so much that it's incoherent (although the motivations of Vickers and David often didn't seem to make much sense), but that there were, as WUB mentioned, two totally different plots (finding the aliens and the horror plot) that were basically fighting for screen time, instead of being tied together in any sort of manner. Because of the the non-horror plot broke much of the suspense, I (a guy who usually jumps out of his seat during horror movies) was practically bored with many of the scenes.

    The other way the comparison holds up is with the characters: the characters with the most depth in that movie were the wise black dude and a fucking robot.
  • The other way the comparison holds up is with the characters: the characters with the most depth in that movie were the wise black dude and a fucking robot.
    Half the film deals with the humanity of our creations, bro. There's a reason David had so much depth.

  • The other way the comparison holds up is with the characters: the characters with the most depth in that movie were the wise black dude and a fucking robot.
    Half the film deals with the humanity of our creations, bro. There's a reason David had so much depth.
    True, but strategically overlooking that theme and just calling him a fucking robot makes for a stronger (if slightly less nuanced) statement.
  • Man, you guys are crazy. Prometheus is excellent and I can't wait for more.
  • What movie has Jack Black been in where he hasn't been a total dick? He always plays someone I find utterly obnoxious, and never funny.

    In High Fidelity he played his part perfectly, as there he was meant to be that way, but when has he been even remotely likable? I ask because my enduring memory of The Muppets is how much he spoiled the movie for me.
  • edited June 2012
    Kung Fu Panda?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Be Kind Rewind?
  • Kung Fu Panda 2?
  • I heard there's a new movie called Bernie where he's really good.
  • edited June 2012
    I watched Madagascar 3, and I thought it was a good movie.
    My favorite part was the opening of the circus, it was pretty amazing.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited June 2012
    Prometheus was worth watching in 3D, and even on fake IMAX. I didn't get really attached to any characters, which was fine. The movie felt like it was just telling a story of shit happening to people.

    Michael Fassbender is starting to be one of my favorite actors.

    Also, what was up with that opening scene with the big giant alien and the ship? Was it on the planet they went to? Or was it Earth?

    Also the scene with Shaw having the squid baby taken out of her stomach made me cringe and laugh. Cringe as just seeing her body open like that, laugh because the I thought of this when the machine was taking it out of her body:

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Be Kind Rewind?
    Actually a good movie.

  • Be Kind Rewind?
    Actually a good movie.
    I agree, it was. Also, I thought Kung Fu Panda 2 was actually better than the first.

    I think I may be watching Bronson soon, it sounds interesting.
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