So, I started this year with a small project, to knit a different pair of gloves each month to see if I can start being more proactive and less procrastinating and also build up my skill towards a bigger project I have with a couple of friends.
So, its simple, if you want a pair of gloves, all you need to do is send me a picture of your extended hand parallel and perpendicular to a ruler (cm preferred) to papionda at gmail. Also you should note if you are allergic to any type of fabric and what colors you DON'T like.
As per styles, you don't get to pick, but it will range from fingerless to mittens.
All gloves will be sent via snail mail inside a manila envelope, so shipping worldwide will be both possible and cheap, I'll also be using cheap local yarns so each pair will only be like $4 to make.
I already have the first 3 slots taken, but there is space for 9 more, and if my skills improve to the point that I'll be able to knit a couple of pairs per month, then more requests will be taken.
Offer stands for both male and females, you only need a shipping address and a picture of your hand

EDIT: Almost forgot, I'll also need a picture of you using the gloves and permission to post them in deviant art and facebook.
This sounds incredibly awesome MrRoboto. I'm looking forward to the results. Best of luck. Also, I dislike any colour within the range of black to white.