After listening through my paltry music collection, I have come to the conclusion that I have about 20-30 good songs on my sansa out of nearly 300. I've asked around for music suggestions, but all the people I ask either recommend the same stuff (Lady gaga, Kanye West, etc.), or (in the case of my sister and her friends) heavydeathpainwristcutting metal. If any body out there has a favourite band/song they think a random person on the internet would like to listen to, I'm open. If it helps, the good songs are classic disco songs, calm music, Mambo Number 5, anything with a good, fast beat, and various songs that are good. Please help! My mp3 player, it needs repopulation!
But yeah, I don't really know what to suggest because the music that you like and are describing is pretty vague. Definitely hop on Pandora and see what you come up with.
The Lead Singer looks like a Hipster Rapist. If that means he rapes hipsters, or he is both a hipster and a rapist, I'm not sure. The Bassist has only one facial expression - SRS BSNS. Who else could it be but Philadelphia Grand Jury?
Florence and the machine, Kiss with a fist.
Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip, one of the oddest named Rappers ever
Last for now -
Thanks for the help so far! I'll definitely check out and Pandora when I have time.