Scott, you're wrong. AT&T's block was from a bounced DDoS that targeted 4chan. moot &co aren't /b/tards, they aren't stupid enough to waste bandwidth on DDoS'ing other sites. There are some end-users who are capable and willing to DDoS places, but they'd just grab a random botnet or make one by just telling anons to run a script. Example, 4chan.js spam. Rym is correct in his idea that the admins don't bother DDoS'ing other places. Anonymous would more likely send black faxes than try and DDoS a fucking ISP. Also, this is just a small case. Only a small subset of the Verizon has the port 80 block, the wireless nonsense. It is most likely an outside party spoofing the packets because they know the internet will go insane over "OMGCHANBLOCKWTFBBQ", further causing trouble for their actual target.
Pretty much everyone on /b/ knows moot's tripcode.
Who on 4chan doesn't? Hence why I added the doubt in my comment, since the list I had checked did not have him.
Also, check that list under "Christopher "moot" Poole". He is speaking.
And as is now evident, the list I checked was different (also on the ted site). Thanks for pointing that out, I should've actually checked Vhdblood's link.
Hearing Gamestop being compared to a pawn shop reminded me of something. You see here in Maryland the state considers Gamestop to be a pawn shop and as a result, the staff there is required to ask for two forms of valid ID in order for someone to trade in their games. Now I haven't traded my games in there for years, even before they had to start doing that. I still prefer Ebay for selling the games I don't want any more. That or I just give them to one of my friends when I'm finished.
Moot is about the farthest thing from a "4channer" there can be (which is a bit ironic). He has a tripcode (which is a grievous sin to many 4channers), he's publicly stated that he hates pretty much every board save Papercraft and Origami, and anonymouses scare him.
Moot is about the farthest thing from a "4channer" there can be (which is a bit ironic). He has a tripcode (which is a grievous sin to many 4channers), he's publicly stated that he hates pretty much every board save Papercraft and Origami, and anonymouses scare him.
He also stated he liked talking to /tg/, or at least, wished he could have the same conversation on /a/.
No-one but Mods can make stickies on /b/ right? How would it be a fake if it's stickied?
Ugh, nvm. I forgot where I was going with it. I need sleep.
Moot is about the farthest thing from a "4channer" there can be (which is a bit ironic). He has a tripcode (which is a grievous sin to many 4channers), he's publicly stated that he hates pretty much every board save Papercraft and Origami, and anonymouses scare him.
Tripfagging is usually tolerated (perhaps grudgingly) outside of the herpderp boards on 4chan, in my experience. There are a few fellows with tripcodes who have merit on /tg/ for instance.
I'm on the wagon, though. Haven't been to 4chan in almost a week.
/tg/, /sci/, /lit/, and /m/ are all fairly decent.
These, /mu/ like Pete said, and /ck/ if you want some cooking tips. Avoid /b/ like the plague; one click on a deceptive image is all it takes to see something impossibly horrific.
/b/ is pretty much the only truly terrible board on 4chan.
Of course, most people don't figure it out until they go for themselves and see mutilated corpses, Zippocat, or, y'know, whatever filth any enterprising young /b/tard feels like putting on the internet. And even if they don't, /b/ has no substance anyway, so the board itself is all reposts and old memes.
You will truly never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Interesting argument. My counterpoint; /d/.
Go to /b/. Start clicking images. Eventually monstergirls will look tame.
EDIT: I should note that I have never visited /d/, but I have experienced the overflow such images onto /tg/.
2) Down with the middlemen! (Unless they provide awesome services)
3) Google StoreView is probably going to hit counterfeiting hard.
Also, check that list under "Christopher "moot" Poole". He is speaking.
I'm on the wagon, though. Haven't been to 4chan in almost a week.
You will truly never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Go to /b/. Start clicking images. Eventually monstergirls will look tame.
EDIT: I should note that I have never visited /d/, but I have experienced the overflow such images onto /tg/.