Episode 152- Our First Hatemail
Dear Rym and Scott,
You fuckers! I went through all sorts of trouble hating on you over at
teh Moon Masters forums and do I get any recognition? N-O-O-O-O-O! You instead acknowledge that dumbass 'irritation mail' retard! I poured some quality hate into tons of posts over at the Moon Masters boards and instead of recognizing that, you go and put the spotlight of hatred on some half assed complaint mail. They even dissed you guys on the air because of ME! Got-damn, what do I have to do to win whatever friggin prize it was you were going to give out? Hell, I started PODCASTERING WARZ!
Irritation mail FTW.
Bty that thread was lame. If your going to Troll try a bit harder!
But what the malevolent FRC has not counted on is that I will be the detective Zenigata to their Lupins, the Rosco P. Coltrane to their Duke brothers, the Jack McGee to their Bruce Banners. I will be watching and waiting and I will foil their geek armageddon.