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Episode 152- Our First Hatemail

Dear Rym and Scott,
You fuckers! I went through all sorts of trouble hating on you over at teh Moon Masters forums and do I get any recognition? N-O-O-O-O-O! You instead acknowledge that dumbass 'irritation mail' retard! I poured some quality hate into tons of posts over at the Moon Masters boards and instead of recognizing that, you go and put the spotlight of hatred on some half assed complaint mail. They even dissed you guys on the air because of ME! Got-damn, what do I have to do to win whatever friggin prize it was you were going to give out? Hell, I started PODCASTERING WARZ!



  • Ah, but you didn't actually email that hate directly to them. Message boards are easy to ignore.
    Irritation mail FTW.
  • That's because you are not in the least good at flaming someone. Try harder next time.

    Bty that thread was lame. If your going to Troll try a bit harder!
  • I asked this question on a totally different forum but I will put it to you here also. If you hate something why do you take the time and energy (not to mention bandwidth) downloading their show? You obviously listen regularly if you are able to quote times and dates of various screw-ups. Why not just hit delete and get on with you life?
  • Those are legitimate questions. I kept listening because as of late the problems I had with the show began receeding. The constant bickering between them petered off and the ginormous egos have been kept in check. The show has improved since I wrote the posts at the other forum. In short, the show isn't annoying enough over the long term to cease listening to. I do think they jumped the shark around the time they started doing the 'How Computers Work' segments. So while I still feel this show is dangerous and misleading to their droves of followers, I don't feel the need to point out their shortcomings to the Cult of Geek they've fostered on the various internets. I think we're at the height of the Geeknights phenomena and it's going to fade and die soon once Rym and Scott grow out of being twenty somethings that act like junior high kids. Then the Cult of Geek will need to find new leaders to LOL to.
  • I don't feel the need to point out their shortcomings to the Cult of Geek they've fostered on the various internets.
    Our tubes could kick your tubes' ass!
  • This is not a joke! Rym and Scott are ominous illuminati-like masters of the intarwebs. They will leverage their popularity and charisma to spawn a geek version of Fight Club's Project Mayhem. They've admitted to such! Getting your grocery club numbers is just the first step in their socially engineered domination of grocery outlets and fast food chains. Who knows what further dastardly plots will ensue? What will you give up next? Your grandmas' social securtiy numbers?

    But what the malevolent FRC has not counted on is that I will be the detective Zenigata to their Lupins, the Rosco P. Coltrane to their Duke brothers, the Jack McGee to their Bruce Banners. I will be watching and waiting and I will foil their geek armageddon.
  • Well, if they are going to become the Illuminati, then I am well positioned ^_^ I guess your just nervous because you won't be on the side of the winners ^_^
  • Fnord.
  • I for one welcome our new Front Row overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted alpha nerd, I can be helpful in rounding up sysadmins to toil in their underground data centers.
  • All hail Rym and Scott, may the tubes of the interweb all be redirected through them.
  • So much for your clever attempt to stem the tide of ravenous followers. Before we were just crazy fans, now we're girding our virtual loins to pillage the nets at large.
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