Don't be dicks to eachother
In just the past two weeks, we have received more complaints by forumites about other forumites, for lack of a better term, being dicks to one another, than in the previous several years combined. The complaints have revolved primarily around a certain number of individuals. I would assume that these individuals can guess that they are the ones to whom I am referring.
We have very few rules in this forum, and this is by design. However, if it turns out that you require further rules in order to behave, this will be considered.
Set your own lines, or we will set them for you.
It's not like someone is making harassing phone calls that you can't ignore. You have a scroll wheel, just go past it. If you do happen to read a shitty post, at the very least don't reply to it. In the age of the Internet, if you don't have the power to ignore things that suck, you will have a very difficult life.
That being said, do not ignore any of my posts, or you will be made to suffer for it.
Yes, Scott is right in that you need to be able to ignore posts, but this is also the Internet, where I can shove things in your face if I really want to. Thus, the responsibility is two-fold:
1. Don't be a dick
2. If someone is being a dick to you, do your best to ignore them.
When a situation precipitates despite following those two rules, intervention is required.
If it's telephones, or letters in the snail mail, then people can shove things in your face. If it's the Internet, then people can't shove things in your face. You chose what to take to your face. You can block spam with a spam filter. You can block ads. You can not click that clink. You can press the back button a rickroll. You can mute the volume. You can turn off the monitor. You are in complete control.
But you're no, because there's no free will.
Mind you, in addition to those on the giving end, there's people on the forum who can enjoy being on the receiving end of a good dicking.