HelloSilo presents "Week of Gaming" -- If you're in Boston between PAXeast and Anime Boston...
So, my crew in Boston (
HelloSilo) is going to host one or two game nights -- but hopefully one per night for the entire week -- between PAXeast and Anime Boston. Probably board games or LAN (Diablo 2, Starcraft, etc.), but we can also likely pull off video games if we can gather consoles.
If you're going to be in the Boston area between the conventions and have nothing to do, post a comment of interest in this thread so I can prepare.
- Alex
But I'm thinking this week, Wednesday night, from 8pm to midnight or 1:00 am.
Roll call here if people want to swing by my (fairly spacious) apartment for Dominion, Catan, Rock Band, StarCraft, Diablo, etc. etc.
Address is:
11 Story St. Apt. 4
Cambridge, MA 02138
Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=11+Story+St,+Cambridge,+Massachusetts+02138&sll=42.373982,-71.122752&sspn=0.01414,0.033023&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=11+Story+St,+Cambridge,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02138&z=17&iwloc=A
Unfortunately, my phone broke at PAX, and I won't receive one til Friday. If you want to come (RSVP highly recommended, so I know who's coming), email me at alexleavitt@gmail.com. The apartment's on the first floor, so if you want to come over, you can probably just wave in through the window and buzz #4.
BTW: Parking is kind of limited, so if you're driving, you may have to spend a bit finding a spot. Otherwise, taking the T to Harvard Square on the Red Line is highly recommended (it's 40 seconds to my front door).
Also, if anyone's thinking of coming tonight, I got my phone, so you can send me a text: (781) 526 6483.