Live PAX/Anime Boston Coverage
Suppose that we were able to stream live video coverage of a large convention like PAX, Anime Boston, or Otakon. Suppose too that we could also make the live content available again in a more polished form later (via uStream, Youtube, private file servers, etc...).
1. What sorts of coverage would you be most interested in? e.g., panels, interviews, commentary?
2. Which do you prefer: long, overarching reports, or shorter focused updates?
3. What is more important: fast coverage, or complete coverage?
If you keep each video under four minutes and release on a day for the few weeks afterward I think you'd get the best balance.
1. Things you find cool.
2. Short and focused.
3. Not fast, not complete, just interesting and relevant.
Obviously we're not promising anything yet. We're basically just in the early stages of upping our game, and happen to be doing so via a transparent process. ^_~
Could you just record your panels and make those episodes of Geeknights?