Is there anyone on the forums who's in the North Carolina-ish area and is planning on going to Animazement this year? It's May 28-30 in Raleigh.
I was able to go last year and it was pretty fun. Not sure if I'm going to be able to make it this year, but if there are others who are planning on going I might be more convinced to try and attend.
Con Website
I may or may not also have part of an art table there with a friend. So we'll see how that goes.
Anyway, most of the people that staffed the con when I was staffing have quit. They got a new director last year and he decided to make everyone do things differently, even though they had systems that worked already. That didn't work out very well, and a lot of things went wrong on the staff side. However, they were champs and worked really hard to pull off the con in a way that didn't show to the attendees. I got to hear it all because all the staffers would come bitch to me in my booth in the dealer's room, but I didn't have to deal with it myself because I wasn't staff last year. Good times!
At any rate, I don't know how it will go, but it could be awesome or it could be chaos because of the mass exodus of staff.