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party games for geeks?

edited August 2006 in GeekNights
Just a follow-up question on GeekNights 060822 - Silly Tabletop RPGs. You guys mentioned you would probably do a separate episode on party games. Could anyone recommend a few good geek party games? The only one I've played that falls into that category is the "Werewolf" game where everyone pretends to be either villager or werewolf. Thanks!


  • Mario Party
    Mario Kart
  • Apples 2 Apples
  • Eye to Eye

    Check out and look up party games.
  • That "werewolf" game was originally called "Mafia," and we've played it extensively.

    Karaoke Revolutions
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Trivial Pursuit
    You Don't Know Jack
  • Werewolf (aka Mafia)

    Apples to Apples

    Time's Up!

    And, of course, the ultimate in gaming geekery.....Start Player. It's new so.... Who knows?
  • Isn't Apples to Apples a kids game? Bear in mind I've never acutally played it, but this has always been my impression.
  • No, it's not a kid's game.

    It can be if you like. In other words, it's fairly innocuous.

    It can also be very raunchy. Or somewhere in-between. It's completely dependent on the group that is playing.
  • Ok, what the hell...?

    Pay attention people!

    "Mario Party Mario Kart"

    "WarioWare Karaoke Revolutions..."

    "Super Smash Bros. Melee"

    "You Don't Know Jack"

    "Pac Man Vs."

    Seriously.... What is wrong with you?

    Granted the question was not specifically "board games" but you had to know what the person meant!
    Don't be giving those ridiculous answers above!

    Come on now!
  • Hey, those are some awesome party games. Maybe he was intending party games but the fact of the matter is that a great many geek party games are video games. Or more specifically Nintendo games.
  • Let's not forget the perenial favorite:

    "What's in my pocket!"
  • Granted the question was not specifically "board games" but you had to know what the person meant! Don't be giving those ridiculous answers above!
    The question was about "party games." I take that to mean games that are good in social situations, with large crowds, in loud rooms, lacking a need for significant amounts of planning or knowledge, or with intoxicated persons. Everything mentioned here is a perfect party game. ^_~
  • Pin the tail on the donkey.
  • Oh DDR is a good one, and probably Guitar Hero as well.

    I know I took DDR to some high school grad parties... that was 4 years ago though.
  • Uno, but played with shots of alcohol. Much hilarity.
  • edited August 2006
    If we're talking drinking games, shotglass checkers and Deadwood standoff are fun ones. Deadwood involves taking a drink everytime anyone says cocksucker, though I've known heavier drinkers to down one with every curse.
    Along the vein of show based drinking games, there are some other good ones out there, especially in regards to Super Friends (mostly due to its constant recycling of catch phrases, rehashed plots, and old cliches.)
    Post edited by Hasbro on
  • My friends and I play "Elephant Walk" at parties all the time! It's a hit! :D
  • Pin the tail on the donkey.
    Pin the ass on the human. ;)
  • My friends and I play "Elephant Walk" at parties all the time!
    There's no freaking way you played the Elephant Walk. We thought we made that game up at a party in the FOP house. We couldn't believe we got everyone else to actually -do- it. We couldn't keep straight faces. Everyone's on the floor trying to pull it off, and none of us who were responsible could so much as look at one another for fear of busting out laughing and letting everyone on as to just how stupid what they were attempting was.

    The fact that the Elephant Walk exists outside of the FOP house scares me a little.

    (I'm assuming it's the same Elephant Walk. The prospect of multiple Elephant Walks scares me a little more).
  • Apples to Apples Jr. is the kid's version.

    The game itself is clean, it's just the minds of the players that make it the fun and twisted game it is.

    BTW, try Apples to Apple Schnapps. Winner drinks a shot.
  • Bomberman and Tetris for the DS work wonderfully, provided everyone has a DS. Drunken Mario Kart was great fun as well ;^)
  • edited August 2006
    Ok, what is Elephant Walk? Sounds like there's a show story in there somewhere...

    For party games, most of my recommendations have been said: Apples To Apples (I like to play where the judge has absolute authority to settle any and all disputes or decisions), Time's Up! and Cranium Turbo Edition. Much fun for all.

    Guitar Hero is also a great choice, but only Guitar Hero 2 since it's going to a) let people of different skills play each other (ie. one on easy, one on expert) and b) have cooperative play. GH1 is grand and all, but it literally hurts me to play on anything other than expert (I can almost manage hard) and I have but one friend close to my skill level.
    Post edited by crowe on
  • Thank you all for the great suggestions. Sorry, I did not clarify, but Rym's description pretty much sums up what I meant by "party game". I don't necessarily mean drinking games, but something fun to play while you are drinking. At a gaming con I attended last year, at about 2:30 in the morning on the Saturday night, a loosely affiliated group of intoxicated individuals started a game of Werewolf (Mafia) in the middle of an open room, and we played for several hours. It was cool because we had a core group of about 6-7 people, and then everyone else came and left - but it worked out really well.
  • Pin the tail on the donkey.
    Pin the ass on the human. ;)
    Pin Jesus to the cross. :D
    We play that a lot in our roman reenactment group.

    Oi! Dat's My Leg! It's great with alcohol. At least that's what I believe - I really don't remember much other than lots of laughs.
  • Ok, what is Elephant Walk? Sounds like there's a show story in there somewhere...
    Look it up in the Urban Dictionary. Or rather, don't. Take my word that it's sick, and wrong, and exactly the kind of thing that Conrad would really do.

    I discovered Pink Godzilla's Dev Kit at PAX (as did anyone who knows about it, since it premiered there). It's a little complex, and takes about 2 games to get the rules down, but once you do it's an awesome "do awesome things and screw your opponent" game. The art is good as are the Video-game jokes, though it suffers from some lack of cards: an expansion would be welcome. Takes about 30 minutes a game, and works well over dinner.
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