Just had a Dominion session last night, I forgot how fun that game can be. The way my group plays is that in every game the bottom two players swap out one card for one of their choice. We had a game with Torturer that devolved into everyone trying to play as many Torturers as possible and having no hand/at least 2 curse cards per round. The Torturer was swapped out for Saboteur and I vowed to, "Go the higher road" and not support the game devolving into Saboteur grief. My group didn't take kindly to such statements and immediately waged a campaign of hate attempting to grief my deck by running as many Saboteurs as possible. This resulted in an hour long struggle of me trying to generate as much silver as possible in my deck to give false targets for Saboteurs while everyone else tried to keep their Saboteur count up while not killing their own decks. It was the most I laughed in a card game in months.
Now that I got my paycheck I'll start hunting for the last two expansions that came out.
I played a game over the weekend called Fluch Der Mumie (Curse of the Mummy) aka Pyramid. It's a game where you and other explorers go through a pyramid to get various treasures and try to avoid getting caught by the mummy. All the player's game pieces are magnets where the Mummy is being controlled by the player on the opposite side to where he can't see where you or the other explorers are.
It's a fast and easy to learn game. It reminded me a bit of The Magic Labryinth. Magnets, so awesome. Miraculous, I tell you.
To play the game, you had to roll 6 D6 for movement, and my friend let us use his awesome dice tower made out of Jenga pieces.
65 dollars, I haven't actually seen it, it's coming in the mail in a few days. But apparently it only has one character sheet used and slight wear of the box.
65 dollars, I haven't actually seen it, it's coming in the mail in a few days. But apparently it only has one character sheet used and slight wear of the box.
I can/should make a PDF of the character shett if BGG doesn't have one already.
It's in the same condition as yours. Speaking of which, have you checked your closet recently?
Yeah, it's full of dirty clothes. I keep board games on the shelf.
I could go for some T&E.; I also have a hankerin' for some Vinci, or some game like Vinci.
We (Nuri, Kate, Adam, and I) recently played Wool Rules. It's a "push-your-luck" dice rolling game. You basically bid for initiative (in secret) every turn; the "bid" is a number that you must roll on 3 dice (d12, d10, and d8). You get 3 chances to hit your "bid," getting a decreasing reward with subsequent rolls.
The luck component is very strong, so it doesn't make for a very serious game. However, it was a fun time filler.
I have a crap ton of new games for us to play... From Race to the Galaxy (and it's first expansion) to Cosmic Encounters (and it's expansion) to Battlestar Galactica (and it's expansion) to a bunch of other crap.
From Race to the Galaxy (and it's first expansion)
I have been giving Race a lot of love lately. The first two expansions are excellent (with takeovers disallowed). I just got the third expansion, but haven't yet tried it.
My dad and I look forward to learning a multitude of boardgames at PAX this year. And, If I have any say about it, we're buying, at the very least, Settlers of Catan.
65 dollars, I haven't actually seen it, it's coming in the mail in a few days. But apparently it only has one character sheet used and slight wear of the box.
Damn, I want that game so badly. I have no idea where to find it, but I definitely have access to the gear to reproduce it.
65 dollars, I haven't actually seen it, it's coming in the mail in a few days. But apparently it only has one character sheet used and slight wear of the box.
Damn, I want that game so badly. I have no idea where to find it, but I definitely have access to the gear to reproduce it.
It's called Ebay, just don't buy the 100+ dollar copies.... If only I could find the expansions cheap....
Connecticon had this beautiful hand-painted version of Catan with 3D models for every hex and a chest to store it in. If I had $400 dollars, I might've bought it.
If you are referring to the Jersey shore, as in my home, and need another player one day, let me know. I love me some Small World, and come bearing expansions.
Connecticon had this beautiful hand-painted version of Catan with 3D models for every hex and a chest to store it in. If I had $400 dollars, I might've bought it.
Oh yeah, the gallery edition. I hope that stays in print; if I ever have the library I plan on having, that's going to be on the game table.
Through the Ages was originally going to be Civ the board game. For some reason they lost the license and now that game has the license instead. I wonder what it will be like.
Through the Ages was originally going to be Civ the board game. For some reason they lost the license and now that game has the license instead. I wonder what it will be like.
It will involve sorting through lots and lots of tiny little tokens. Over. And over. And over again.
Now that I got my paycheck I'll start hunting for the last two expansions that came out.
It's a fast and easy to learn game. It reminded me a bit of The Magic Labryinth. Magnets, so awesome. Miraculous, I tell you.
To play the game, you had to roll 6 D6 for movement, and my friend let us use his awesome dice tower made out of Jenga pieces.
We (Nuri, Kate, Adam, and I) recently played Wool Rules. It's a "push-your-luck" dice rolling game. You basically bid for initiative (in secret) every turn; the "bid" is a number that you must roll on 3 dice (d12, d10, and d8). You get 3 chances to hit your "bid," getting a decreasing reward with subsequent rolls.
The luck component is very strong, so it doesn't make for a very serious game. However, it was a fun time filler.
After all, it is Fantasy Flight.