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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • edited April 2012
    Watched Tabletop. They did a good job of production values, teaching the game, selling the game, and helping the viewer follow the game. This will be good for making tabletop gaming more popular amongst geeks who are fans of sci-fi and other geekeries that the participants come from.

    What bothered me is that the players were obviously being corny and hamming it up because they knew they were making a show. The "humor" was not funny, and I didn't care about who won. Enjoyment would have been greatly increased had I someone to root for.

    What bothered me the most is how the girl was portrayed. Whenever they cut away to the guys they always talk about their strategy and why they made a particular move to get more points. When they cut to the girl she says things like "I like to be a magic user, so I picked sorcerers," or "I'm so happy I got to play with a dragon." Then of course, she gets blown out. Maybe it was an honest representation of that particular girl, in which case I wouldn't have had her on the show to begin with. If you were watching celebrity poker and someone, boy or girl, was all like "I like royalty, so I bet a lot whenever I have kings and queens." It would be a laughing stock. You know they would never have someone like that on the show to begin with.

    I think maybe the solution is to make the same show, but have it be about competitive gaming. Format it more like professional Starcraft broadcasts. Not going to shit-talk myself into doing that. Hoping someone else does. Also hoping someone makes Major League Board Gaming. Again, not going to shit-talk that, because I want to play in it, not run it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • eh, I think a different show where they did that would be cool, I think this show is fine the way it is with just random players at various levels of experience playing and giving their commentary since they are trying to show board gaming as accessible.
  • Yeah, isn't this a entry level type show to get people who aren't into board games into these type of board games?

    It would be nice to see a girl totally kick their arses at a game and knew what they were doing, however.
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, isn't this a entry level type show to get people who aren't into board games into these type of board games?
    Yeah, the show does a good job of that. But that means it's a show that I'm not going to watch. Maybe if they played a game I have never played before (unlikely) I would watch to learn it. My judgement of how well they teach the game might be tainted by the fact that I already know how to play.
    It would be nice to see a girl totally kick their arses at a game and knew what they were doing, however.
    Makes me want to watch when Vericonica Belmont comes on the show. I will root for her. I'm pretty sure she plays to win.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Yeah, if anything, this show really isn't geared towards us. I think it's a great for those who aren't down or in the know of how fun German board games are.

    However, it would be nice to see them show a game we've never played. Of course you have to get the more known games out there first like Small World or Settlers.

    I definitely would foresee them doing Forbidden Island or Pandemic.
  • I think episode 2 has already been announced as Settlers, and will come out on 4/20. With one episode per month, it will be quite some time before we see games we don't know, if ever. Maybe we should record some of our playing at PAX.
  • Aren't you guys going to be recording your workshop thing? That would be good.
  • Aren't you guys going to be recording your workshop thing? That would be good.
    You're going to be there, to learn Agricola, as promised.

  • Huh. Didn't know that was when I was going to learn. Alright then. Must make a note of that. That means I have to line up! Boo. :P
  • Huh. Didn't know that was when I was going to learn. Alright then. Must make a note of that. That means I have to line up! Boo. :P
    You didn't think I was going to do it twice, did you?

    Also, I hard-core studied the rules yesterday. There were some things we've gotten wrong since forever :(
  • Yes, because I'm awesome. Duh and/or hello?

    Tonight, we start condensing down Dominion to only a few sets we plan on bringing, if we do bring it. We're already bringing a decent number of games reboxed. Also had to buy a new Bohnanza set because the other one was getting worn out.

  • We got a Bohnanaza, so don't worry about getting a new one.
  • edited April 2012
    Too late. We wanted one of our owns. I mean, it's us that showed you the ways of bean haggling!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I think episode 2 has already been announced as Settlers, and will come out on 4/20. With one episode per month, it will be quite some time before we see games we don't know, if ever. Maybe we should record some of our playing at PAX.
    Their release schedule is every other Friday. I haven't seen any notice that episode 2 will be Settlers, but it's definitely in the mix, so I believe it.

    You guys are pretty spot-on with your commentary on the show. It's definitely for the casual audience, and I was frustrated by the same stuff.

    The kicker was that they couldn't even get the rules right!! Wheaton told Day9 to go ahead and do a turn of attacks right after he declined his ghouls. According to the actual rules, when you decline, you lose that turn. The ghouls can start attacking NEXT turn. No wonder Day9 pulled out a surprise victory, but it doesn't matter b/c the show is not about the competition.

  • Too late. We wanted one of our owns. I mean, it's us that showed you the ways of bean haggling!
    Full disclosure: I've never haggled beans. This is the game that I need to get my induction to this PAX.
  • Has anyone else been using Plano boxes for their board game pieces? If you haven't seen them, they are essentially tackle boxes of varying sizes that have adjustable-sized compartments. They are amazing for condensing and organizing games that have a lot of different types of pieces, especially when they don't travel well in the original box.
  • Has anyone else been using Plano boxes for their board game pieces? If you haven't seen them, they are essentially tackle boxes of varying sizes that have adjustable-sized compartments. They are amazing for condensing and organizing games that have a lot of different types of pieces, especially when they don't travel well in the original box.
    I own a few, but I've never wound up completely re-boxing a game. All of my reboxing is to fit expansions into the original game box.
  • The show is Bi-weekly, but that's a hair split. Games they will be doing as confirmed from the teaser for the series are Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Munchkin.

    Games that I unable to completely ID might be Dixit and one of the zombie games, not sure which one. I also think I read somewhere that the "seasons" on Geek and Sundry are 20 episodes.
  • Also, I hard-core studied the rules yesterday. There were some things we've gotten wrong since forever :(
    When I last time played Carcassone with my family I apparently was the first one to read rules to the extension they got this Christmas. They also remembered some of the basic rules wrong. My sister didn't appreciate that I "changed the rules, mid game", but I refused to continue playing with wrong rules and no real damage had been done. But apparently when my family had played without me they had played with the wrong rules all the time.

    Also in the end I totally lost that game because of few idiotic decisions.

  • The show is Bi-weekly, but that's a hair split. Games they will be doing as confirmed from the teaser for the series are Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Munchkin.

    Games that I unable to completely ID might be Dixit and one of the zombie games, not sure which one. I also think I read somewhere that the "seasons" on Geek and Sundry are 20 episodes.
    The zombie game they are doing will be Last Night on Earth. Also, they're doing 2 RPG episodes in the first season, one of which is confirmed to be the Dragon Age RPG. Not sure what the other will be, but Green Ronin also does the Song of Ice and Fire RPG, so it would be a smart move for them to go there with that property so hot. They'll probably just play D&D though.
  • edited April 2012
    I don't see how they can do an RPG episode for a game that's meant to be a campaign. They should do Dread instead.

    Edit: Hey, we could do a Dread video.... (don't shit talk, don't shit talk)
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Edit: Hey, we could do a Dread video.... (don't shit talk, don't shit talk)
    Day 9 will be at PAX...
  • Dread and Fiasco should work for a one-shot... kinda. Fiasco rather than Dread IMO, because dread is really two different games (for the storyteller and the player).
  • I could see it being Fiasco. I know Wheaton is a fan of the game, so it could happen.
  • Having purchased Puerto Rico HD last night, I have determined I suck at it. I loathe to but I think I need to read some strategy guides to try and bone up in this area.
  • Played Fealty. It's a fun and easy to learn game of placing your various classes along the duchy boards and essentially cockblocking your opponent to have less influence on the board.

    The only randomness is in the cards you draw in your hand, but it's very negligible. You also have turn order priority which is similar to that of Greed Quest and Grimoire to where you choose your card and all players reveal theirs cards and tile placement order is then determined. The real strategy is how you play your cards and places your chits. You have up to 6 different duchy boards to play with so it has a lot of variations to the types of boards/terrain you get to play on.

    2 player is fun, but I bet it's optimal at 3 or 4 player. I think it would be a good buy on the iOS. I'll have to check it out later.
  • Has anyone else been using Plano boxes for their board game pieces?
    I have and do for most of my board games. The best use I got out of these was for Twilight Imperium 3. I put the base game and all of the expansions into one box! I think I have some pictures floating around on g+.
  • edited April 2012
    Lords of Waterdeep is actually very good. It's simple worker, yet deep. There is randomness via cards of various sorts but that can be largely mitigated. One of the lord cards, I am building a case to say, is broken as fuck. Aside from that, totally worth the $31 from Amazon.

    Also, the production values on the bits and the layout inside the box is top notch. Some of the best I've seen in a board game.

    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Make sure you don't tip that beautiful box over. The fancy cut on the half-depth lid keeps it from getting a real tight fit. It'll loosen up just a bit and all the counters oh-so-carefullly laid out in the meticulously planned trays of the insert will wind up in one giant clump at the bottom of the box.
  • Make sure you don't tip that beautiful box over. The fancy cut on the half-depth lid keeps it from getting a real tight fit. It'll loosen up just a bit and all the counters oh-so-carefullly laid out in the meticulously planned trays of the insert will wind up in one giant clump at the bottom of the box.
    A similar thing has happened (twice) on my OotS game. The lid fits tight, but if you're not paying attention, you can send almost 600 cards scattering to the seven winds.
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