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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Finally got to play Uchronia today. It's basically a more stream-lined version of Glory to Rome... with dinosaurs. It's by the guy who made Glory to Rome though, so that's ok.

    If you like Glory to Rome, but don't have it already, Uchronia is a perfectly fine substitute. If I had to choose between the two of them, I would still pick Uchronia because it's more elegant, stream-lined, and plays faster.

    That being said, am I going to buy Uchronia considering I already own the new version of Glory to Rome? I'm honestly not sure, but for $33 retail, it's still pretty cheap.
  • Yea I have been hearing good things about Spartacus. So maybe you are right!
    I have this game, it can be pretty fun with the right players. I do find it slight munchkinie though.
    Finally got to play Uchronia today. It's basically a more stream-lined version of Glory to Rome... with dinosaurs. It's by the guy who made Glory to Rome though, so that's ok.

    If you like Glory to Rome, but don't have it already, Uchronia is a perfectly fine substitute. If I had to choose between the two of them, I would still pick Uchronia because it's more elegant, stream-lined, and plays faster.

    That being said, am I going to buy Uchronia considering I already own the new version of Glory to Rome? I'm honestly not sure, but for $33 retail, it's still pretty cheap.
    Love GtR! I purchased this right away.

  • A complete stranger I met yesterday at a mentoring event praised Spartacus. I'll have to play it soon.
  • So I met a very nice husband-and-wife couple from Brooklyn while at Toy Fair. They're making a party game called Schmovie, that is essentially a pun generator. You get a movie genre (roll a die to see which genre you get) and a twist (deck of cards). Create a movie title that uses both, and see if yours is the best.

    I don't know if I'd be interested in the physical product, but they run 1 round of the game every day on their facebook page. I won yesterday's challenge to name a sci-fi movie about the last valentine's day with the title "Alien vs. Sexual Predator."
  • Played Le Havre for the first time last night, four players. I thought I was beating the action economy by buying buildings with money but it was not the best choice. I think I did respectably for my first game coming in 3rd 15 points behind the winner.

    Much preferred this one to Agricola. They look like they use similar kinds of thinking skills so maybe I preferred this one because I could transfer what I knew from trying out Agricola to this one.
  • I like Le Havre more than Agricola except Le Havre takes way longer than Agricola and has too much in the way of fiddly bits. This tends to lead me to play Agricola more often with friends and play Le Havre solo on the computer. If they had a decent tablet version of Le Havre I don't think I'd ever stop playing it.

    I still need to play Ora et Labora though. I hear that it's like Le Havre and Agricola had a love child.

  • I still need to play Ora et Labora though. I hear that it's like Le Havre and Agricola had a love child.
    I am an Ora beast, my margin of victory is on average 39 points to second place, not sure if all are dumb asses or if I got the game solved.
  • I played the PA Rumble in R'Lyeh game over the weekend. It's basically the same game as the first game but has gold cards. But there is a gold boss card that is in the starter setup that is fucking ridiculous. Some cards (I think only boss cards) ask you to roll a d20 for their effects. The gold boss card we encountered stated that you should roll the d20 and if you got between 2-18 you draw a card and retry. The person who has it ends up with a shitload of cards that you can just play at once and basically buy as much shit as you want depending on when in the game it is bought.

    Other than that it was okay.
  • I played the PA Rumble in R'Lyeh game over the weekend. It's basically the same game as the first game but has gold cards. But there is a gold boss card that is in the starter setup that is fucking ridiculous. Some cards (I think only boss cards) ask you to roll a d20 for their effects. The gold boss card we encountered stated that you should roll the d20 and if you got between 2-18 you draw a card and retry. The person who has it ends up with a shitload of cards that you can just play at once and basically buy as much shit as you want depending on when in the game it is bought.

    Other than that it was okay.
    Make sure you discard your hand before rolls. Probability wise, it comes out to draw an extra 2-3 cards which is average for a boss card.

  • edited February 2013
    I played the PA Rumble in R'Lyeh game over the weekend. It's basically the same game as the first game but has gold cards. But there is a gold boss card that is in the starter setup that is fucking ridiculous. Some cards (I think only boss cards) ask you to roll a d20 for their effects. The gold boss card we encountered stated that you should roll the d20 and if you got between 2-18 you draw a card and retry. The person who has it ends up with a shitload of cards that you can just play at once and basically buy as much shit as you want depending on when in the game it is bought.

    Other than that it was okay.
    Make sure you discard your hand before rolls. Probability wise, it comes out to draw an extra 2-3 cards which is average for a boss card.

    EDIT: Sorry I misread, he did discard his hand. It also wasn't a gold boss card as I found out. My friend I was playing drew like 13 cards, there was some other combo business but he had 30+ power and 30+ tokens to spend for the round.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I've heard awful, awful things about the DC Comics Deckbuilding Game. When I talked to Cryptozoic, their PR rep tried to talk it up as "a lighter and easier card game than the Penny Arcade deckbuilder." Holy crap, that's about all I need to know.
  • I actually had a chance to sit down and play the DCCDBG with one of the designers last Sunday. It's fun and light deck building game. Nothing more. I have issues with all Cryptozoic' deck building games. They all feel the same and overlap mechanics a lot.

    As I mentioned in another post, the games seem to suffer from a very high "snowball" factor in the form of the Boss loot cards. The DC game has super villains you beat are basically the boss cards from the PADBG.

    I'd say it's easier to play only in the sense that you are dealing with a single currency. There is no choice on divergence there. The choice comes where you decide what card type you're going to specialize in (Super Power, Hero, Villain, etc). Since the board is always changing (a la Ascension), however, you may see a rad card for you come up on someone elses turn and you never have a chance to get it.

    That's a very annoying thing about deckbuilders to me. I also think it's a big reason why Dominion is so good. The board is fantastic or shitty for all players and you always have a chance to do the same things and go the same way as your opponents, should you so choose.
  • The DC deck building game is the best "gateway" deck building game out there. It is the Settlers of Catan of deck building games. If you're already into board games I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, except if you really like the theme, but if you've never played a board game other than Monopoly, Sorry, etc, and want to try a deck building game, it's the perfect place to start. It's basically a lighter version of Ascension.
  • I have issues with all Cryptozoic' deck building games. They all feel the same and overlap mechanics a lot.
    Testify, brother.

    I have issues with Cryptozoic in general. That company and the licenses they hold is stacked with potential, but a few years in, they have yet to produce a single bona-fide hit. Not every game has been garbage, but there's been no must-play game to balance out the bad.

    I would keep an eye out for ROFL!. They could have a good party game on their hands. It's a game about texting and the game of "telephone." You start with a phrase, and have to see how much you can condense that phrase, while still allowing other players to decipher what you are trying to say. John Kovalic art as well, so it'll have visual appeal.
  • Cryptozoic I think follows the philosophy that the license is all that matters. If the game is playable, it doesn't really matter if it's any good. Piece of shit Munchkin has made way more money than other things which are actually games, so why bother making a real game? In fact, a real game will just scare away lots of people who can't figure out how to play it.

    That plan could indeed work for making money, but it hasn't, and won't, get any of my money.
  • edited February 2013
    At least Steve Jackson knows that Munchkin is crap and uses it to fund all his other more quality stuff.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Finally got to play Uchronia today. It's basically a more stream-lined version of Glory to Rome... with dinosaurs. It's by the guy who made Glory to Rome though, so that's ok.

    If you like Glory to Rome, but don't have it already, Uchronia is a perfectly fine substitute. If I had to choose between the two of them, I would still pick Uchronia because it's more elegant, stream-lined, and plays faster.

    That being said, am I going to buy Uchronia considering I already own the new version of Glory to Rome? I'm honestly not sure, but for $33 retail, it's still pretty cheap.
    Dinosaurs > ancient Rome.

    I'm waiting on my fucking copy of Mobile fucking Frame Zero. Then I can begin the pricey, space-eating process of collecting Lego again.

  • I'm waiting on my fucking copy of Mobile fucking Frame Zero. Then I can begin the pricey, space-eating process of collecting Lego again.
    Don't forget the foot injuries.
  • Speaking of munchkin, I played it for the first time the other day. It seems to be very popular as I see it almost every board game meetup I go. How is this a game? The only decision you make is whether to be the 2nd or 3rd to try for level 10. Debating whether munchkin or fluxx is the shittier game.
  • Speaking of munchkin, I played it for the first time the other day. It seems to be very popular as I see it almost every board game meetup I go. How is this a game? The only decision you make is whether to be the 2nd or 3rd to try for level 10. Debating whether munchkin or fluxx is the shittier game.
    Fluxx > Munchkin

  • Speaking of munchkin, I played it for the first time the other day. It seems to be very popular as I see it almost every board game meetup I go. How is this a game? The only decision you make is whether to be the 2nd or 3rd to try for level 10. Debating whether munchkin or fluxx is the shittier game.
    Fluxx > Munchkin

    I also question whether fluxx is a game.

  • Speaking of munchkin, I played it for the first time the other day. It seems to be very popular as I see it almost every board game meetup I go. How is this a game? The only decision you make is whether to be the 2nd or 3rd to try for level 10. Debating whether munchkin or fluxx is the shittier game.
    Fluxx > Munchkin

    I also question whether fluxx is a game.

    Loony Labs has done other things if you look hard enough, the good thing about Munchkin is that Steve Jackson knows that it sucks and uses it to finance other more awesome games.
  • Oh yeah, also played my first game of eclipse. Did a 6 player game with expansions and played the Magellans.

    It all came down to the last turn. I had the best drive and plasma missles. I spent all of turn 8 upgrading my ships with the best drive and nothing but missles. My plan was to on turn 9 grab the nuclear bombs tech and use 5 move actions to spread my fleet out to every sector I could. My missiles would kill everything and the tech would let me kill all the population and let me take over.

    I was all set, turn 9 came around and I was second to act. The first player ended up taking the nuclear bomb tech I needed... I ended up acting out my plans but with 0 real weapons I couldnt take any sectors. Everyone else ran from me so I couldnt even get more rep points. The person who took my bomb tech had wormhole generator and proceeded to rape my sectors. I ended the game with 1 sector left and last place. :(
  • Oh Shogun sucks with an all build technique when EVERYONE attacks you in the early game. Hilariously irony however is that we had the most mutual destruction in that game I have ever witnessed.
  • I will occasionally spend an action on Neutron Bombs just to keep them out of someone's hands. The Neutron Absorber in the expansion makes that less necessary, if you can get it.
  • edited February 2013
    Tech denial is always a valid strategy. Neutron Absorber is also a boss.

    I also played descendants for the first time last night. They're interesting, but I feel like the whole friendly with the ancients thing is a much bigger disadvantage than advantage by the time the games over. That said, the lesson I took from it was to be more aggressive with players as them than I was.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Most of us were new in the game and we played very passive. Not much happened until the last 2 turns. The research race ended up winning because he had 2 maxed trees and 4 monoliths.
  • appears I can homebrew the mini expansion for D Day dice thanks to a kind picture off of boardgamegeek. Now for those two map images...
  • edited February 2013
    Would anyone here be up for an Eclipse Play-By-Post? It would likely take a very long time and would require a commitment to post once every 48 hours. I'm a pretty big RPG play-by-post veteran (old PbP mod at Enworld, creator of Living EN World, been doing this for ten+ years). I'd like to keep the game to three players for the first experiment.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Would anyone here be up for an Eclipse Play-By-Post? It would likely take a very long time and would require a commitment to post once every 48 hours. I'm a pretty big RPG play-by-post veteran (old PbP mod at Enworld, creator of Living EN World, been doing this for ten+ years). I'd like to keep the game to three players for the first experiment.
    Never done a PbP before, how exactly would it work?

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