It's out in a few days. As it's an LTS, more emphasis is put on stability than new features. Here are a few things I'm kinda stoked about:
- No brown.
- Apparently makes 9.10 look slow.
- No stinkin' brown
- Long Term Support version: Makes it easier to give to friends and family.
- All the usual updates and kernel fixes.
- 100% Less Brown.
As for the lack of brown, that's fine. I also like the new colors better. However, there is a problem. You see, all the ubuntu stuff is dark, but all the GTK apps aren't. The light gray of Firefox really makes a bad contrast with the dark of everything else. The default theme is nicer looking, but the fact that not every app integrates with it nicely you gets these clashes everywhere that suck.
Also, while the color is better, they switched from having X in the top right of the window to OSX-style. That is fail if you ask me.
I switched my entire laptop to industrial/tango theme. No brown, buttons in the right place, everything looks like it goes together.
It's kind of hilarious to me now when people have hardware that doesn't work in Linux. Their hardware support now is pretty insane. I'd actually say it's way better than Windows at this point. Even though there are a few things here and there that don't work, most things do. And when they do work, you don't have to go get a driver and install it or anything like that. It just works out of the box, no fiddling necessary. When I install Ubuntu on my laptop, I don't have to go get a single driver or update. Everything is working immediately. Not so for any version of Windows.
If you want to run Linux, you think about it before you buy hardware, not after. The answer used to be "grr Linux sucks for not supporting these things!" The answer now is "Don't buy those five weird video cards, or those two wireless cards, that don't work." Sticking with as many Intel and NVidia parts as possible, which you probably want to do anyway, is a really safe bet.
Now.. hows about a usable art program?
Just after I'd got settled back into Windows.
No complaints.