I'm inferring from a talk Dr. Venter did for TED a few years ago but here is the basic idea.
His goal in that talk was to digitize the genetic codes for pretty much every life form he could find and break it down to determine what genes did what. His idea was to then "design" genomes to specialized organisms for specific purposes. The big news here seems to be he wrote a genome, had it manufactured, and then successfully implanted it into a cell and it grew on its own. I'll be following this on an ongoing basis so I can try to keep those interested up to date. =D
Venter is working on bacteria that build crude oil from nothing but biomass and superalgae that consume ungodly amounts of CO2. The man may have an ego so massive it sucks in light, but his company is spearheading the biopunk research that is going to save our asses.
I heard an interview with the man in charge of the project on my local NPR affiliate. I got the impression that they changed the DNA strands and then injected them into already existing cells. However, doing this caused them to totally change from what they were to whatever they wanted them to be. A big breakthrough nonetheless.
Also, religious groups will loose their shit.
Also: In the bit where it says "Discussion topic", could you put the discussion topic?
His goal in that talk was to digitize the genetic codes for pretty much every life form he could find and break it down to determine what genes did what. His idea was to then "design" genomes to specialized organisms for specific purposes. The big news here seems to be he wrote a genome, had it manufactured, and then successfully implanted it into a cell and it grew on its own. I'll be following this on an ongoing basis so I can try to keep those interested up to date. =D