Copyright and intellectual property has been the
#1 Internet geek topic of discussion for over a decade. It is the one issue which pervades every single geekery, and has huge consequences for all of them. Technology, anime, comics, games, books, IP is at the top of the list for everybody. In being such an important topic, we've pretty much heard it all. For years there hasn't really been anything anyone has said that we haven't heard before.
Until this TED Talk.
Now, not everything she's saying is new. In fact, only a little bit of it is new. At least new to me. The one most important thing in the whole talk is the graph she displays at 12:23. Crushed!
Philly has a bunch of cheese steaks shops all claiming to be the first. Buffalo wings where born in the Anchor Bar, but that place sucks. I could make a restaurant that served up garbage plates, and Nick Tahou Hots' wouldn't see a dime.