NerdNYC Spring Recess Event
Right before the first day of Summer (June 21st), NerdNYC has managed to squeak in their quarterly "Recess" event for Spring. This gathering is Saturday, June 19th at the 440 Studios in Manhattan. Recess is basically a 1-day mini-con that runs from 11AM to 10:30PM, with $20 admission. There are two defined 4-hour slots for gaming with on-site sign-ups, and an open gaming period and trivia competition in the mid-day break. There is also a "swap table" where you can drop off old nerdy things you don't have space for, or take other peoples junk that is your treasure.
In the second gaming slot I will be running
Last Night on Earth, a "team versus the GM"-type zombie game that I enjoy a lot. It takes up to six players, and I have the main game plus the first expansion, and have even taken the time to paint up the figures. If you're within spitting distance of the city you should come play this!
Full schedule of games isn't up yet but I'll link back to it once it is. They have about 6-8 games for each slot, spanning board games, RPGs,and CCGs, but I think they are still looking for more people to run games if that's your style (also, you get free admission as a thanks).
I was going to run an Inspectres game, but too many GMs submitted events, and I was put in the holding queue. I may run some board games instead.
RPGs - D&D 4 (3 games), D&D 3.5, Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Star Wars, 3:16, Dread, Rifts, HeroQuest, Dark Refuge, Talislanta, and Basic Action Super Heroes!
Board / Card Games - Dominion, Agricola, Puerto Rico, Last Night on Earth, Pandemic, Galaxy Trucker, Game of Thrones, Formula D, Space Alert, Small World, Dixit, Power Grid, Bang!, Red Dragon Inn, Wits and Wagers, Ghost Stories, MacGuffin Market, Pax Robotica!, A Game of Thrones, and Zombie State!
EDIT (6/8/10): Link to the actual schedule of events, with times
I'm playing Agricola in the early slot then running my Last Night on Earth game in the later one. There is a break from 4-6:30 for dinner, nerd trivia, and open gaming, so I'm contemplating if I should bring something for the free play time. Probably just bring a card game. I've got a serious itch to play Robo Rally but it's probably best not to squeeze it in the short timeslot, especially if I plan on going out for a real meal. I think I'll just have to have some friends over or wait for next boardgame night.