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Geeknights Mario Kart Showdown!

edited August 2006 in Everything Else
So... con season is over. Things are winding down (at least for me) with the onset of fall, and having come back from PAX, I'm jonesing for more Mario Kart. There was talk a while ago to put together a Geeknights Mario Kart get together online. Mayhap a date could be settled and we can see if Rym really is as amazing as he says he is?

Thoughts on potential times? As a starting vote, I'm gonna say Sunday night (September 3rd) at 2100h PST (1900h MST for me). What say you all?


  • This seems important - bump! :P
  • This might have to be delayed if only for the fact that Emily is returning this very weekend, and I expect I'll be unavailable. ^_~
  • Excuses ;)

    I will definitely come last playing you guys but i can still red shell some butts!
  • Once things settle down, though, there will be some sort of tournament. ;^) I imagine we'll just set aside an hour or two, and anyone who can beat me in two sets of four or so will win something.
  • Oh no, competing with Rym at MarioKart is a horrible idea.

  • If by "snaking," you mean playing the game optimally in the way the programmers intended, then yes. ^_~

    /on a plane
    //got damn
  • edited September 2006
    Enough is enough! I have had it with motherfuckin' Dry Bones in his motherfuckin' Dry Bomber!

    EDIT: Also, I will be bringing a quadruple helping of the pain, bitches.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Great.. Rym on crack

    Snaking..i can't the hang of that thing, but it seems a bit dodgy anyways.
  • Pete got it.

    This thread can die happy now.
  • Seems that it has......
  • edited January 2008
    Great.. Rym oncrack

    Snaking..i can't the hang of that thing, but it seems a bit dodgy anyways.
    I think it's something like the pro Starcraft player thing. If you can do it there is no point playing against people who cant; It's just a thing that pushes your skill as close to the line of failing completely as possible (provided everyone else is doing it too).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Okay, I checked the id share section for some codes, will be on Mario Kart later. How can I add my code to the id section?
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