Didn't want to threadjack the R. Scott Bakker topic, but his blog really filled a little appetite I've had for smart and interesting writing. Now I'm hoping to add a few more blogs like it to my RSS feed. Does anyone have any good suggestions, preferably something that is mature, thought provoking, and updated regularly?
Oh, and don't just post your own stuff, of course some friendly fellow forumite may make a recommendation in your favor...
Science Based Medicine is also pretty sweet if you're into the subject matter.
Wil Wheaton's blog
Dave Littler's Tall Blog of Strength is pretty fun as well.
Rands in Repose is about business and group dynamics.
The Rude Pundit reads enough like Transmetropolitan to suspend my disbelief.
Pharyngula and Neurologica are in a similar vein to Science Based Medicine.
Google's Public Policy Blog always makes me feel like I'm living in the future.
If you like BLDGBLOG, you'll probably enjoy Infrastructuralist.
Lastly, 2D Goggles. Imagine Charles Babbage and Ada Byron (Lord Byron's daughter) having steampunk adventures in the 1830's. If you like "Hark, a Vagrant!" you'll like this.
-How to Make Friends and Convince Them You Are Someone Fun and Not Insane and Worth Inviting Next Time
-How to be a 20-Something
-How to Not Get Laid by These Chicks